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*draco's p.o.v.*

"I'm telling you, Malfoy, there's nothing like Ivy Parkinson", Blaise said to me while I did my homework in the common room. "She's nothing like I've ever had. Now I get why Nott was so damn stingy over her"

"Can you not talk about Ivy right now?", I said trying to finish my Potions homework.

"I can't talk to you about her anywhere else. I don't want Nott hearing and getting his wand in a twist"

"Nott is busy fucking that Ravenclaw witch, I don't think he'll care about you talking about Ivy in front of him"

"Still, you're my best mate. We used to talk about girls all the time. Remember when you fucked Lily Downing last year?"

"Fuck, she was the worst", I laughed. "Downing had the most insufferable moans I've ever heard"

"I know, I shagged her year five. It sounds like a niffler giving birth", he laughed.

"What are you two boys going on about?", Pansy asked, pulling out a seat next to me. Ivy was with her. She refused to make eye contact with me and sat in a seat next to Blaise. "My sister and I are throwing a party at our place for New Year's. Are you two coming?"

"Of course", I said kissing her cheek. "Are your parents going to be gone?"

"Yup, they're going to London for the new year"

"Well, I'm in. I'm going to send my dealer an owl for the party favors", Blaise said taking out a piece of parchment.

"I can probably bring the alcohol. My parents won't care if a few drinks go missing from the cellar", I suggested.

"Perfect", Pansy giggled.

"Who are you inviting?", I asked her.

"Everyone. I want it to be the biggest party ever. I want it to be so legendary, everyone at Hogwarts is going to be talking about it until we die"

"If that's the case, we're going to need a lot more drinks"

"Don't worry, my sister can cast a Doubling Charm and make more"

"Draco", Ivy called from across the table. "We have to go set the Great Hall up for Christmas"

"Potter's go you two working as house elves", Blaise laughed. "What's next? Serving us dinner?"

"Like I'm going to be taking orders from a fucking mudblood and a scarhead orphan", I scoffed. I notice Ivy rolled her eyes at me and getting up from her seat. "Are you rolling your eyes at me again, Parkinson?"

"What can I say, Malfoy. I'm a bad girl who can't listen", she said sarcastically.

I followed Ivy out of the common room and up Slughorn's Stairs to the Entrance Hall. She entered the large double doors and into the Great Hall. I followed her to Potter and Granger since they are Head Boy and Girl, we have to check in with them. It's so fucking stupid that I have listen to them and follow their orders. Do I look like a fucking servant?

"Perfect, you two are here", said Granger.

"Don't talk to me mudblood", I scoffed.

"Hey", Ivy said punching my arm. Ow! "Play nice"

"We just need you to set up the Christmas trees", Potter said before walking away.

"Come on", Ivy said grabbing my hand. "The faster we work, the sooner we can leave"

Her hand is so soft and so small.

Ivy dragged me over to the box that held all the ornaments and next to the box were the fresh green Christmas trees. How the fuck are we supposed to set these up? Do I look like a fucking lumbar jack? Ivy took out her wand and used the Levitation Charm to set the trees up. I took my wand out and followed her lead.

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