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*ivy's p.o.v.*

I woke up to the sounds of songbirds outside of my window and the beaming sun shining through my curtains. Oh how I miss sleeping in the dungeons of Hogwarts. One of the upsides of having our dorms in the dungeons is that we get a perfect view of the Black Lake and the green tint it gives out rooms. As dark as it is down there, I prefer being in the dark than a brightly lit room.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day. It's my last day home before I have to go back to school and finish the rest of the school year. After I made my bed and brushed my teeth, I walked over to Pansy's bedroom through out Jack and Jill bathroom. When I entered her room, I can see Pansy and Blaise in her bed with the covers pulled up. I quickly walked backwards into the bathroom and shut the door.

"That's for knocking!", Pansy shouted from behind the door.

"You never knock before you come into my room and warn me if a guest is staying over!", I shouted back. "Leave a bra or sock at the door!"

"Okay! I will next time!"

When I entered my bedroom, I saw a letter left on my bed by our family owl. The letter had my name written neatly on it. When I picked it up, I noticed that it wasn't just one letter on my bed, there were two. The second letter was in a black envelope with my name written in cursive and a dark green wax seal with the Malfoy Family Crest stamped in it. A letter from Draco? This is new.

I took the letters with me over to my desk and sat down in my black velvet chair. I opened the top letter first and slipped the letter out of the envelope.

Dear Ivy,

Thank you for being an amazing date at the White Party yesterday. I'm actually terrible I writing letters so I hope you see why I never wrote you one during the summer. I'm getting fitted for my cotillion dress robes today, so write me back with the color(s) of your dress. I don't want us to clash. See you soon.


Theodore Nott

I folded the noted up and slipped it back into its envelope. I picked up my quill, pulled out a fresh piece of parchment from my stationary, and started to write back to Theo, including the color of my dress and how much fun I had with him at the party. We danced and played croquet on the Malfoy lawn. There were little moments where he went too far, past the boundaries of friendship, like when he placed his hand on my thigh during lunch, not that I didn't mind it. It's hard being just friends with him when we've had a history. He was more than just some boy in my friend group last year. I genuinely liked him and it hurt my feelings that he seemed to have forgotten about me over the summer.

After I finished my letter for Theo, I finished the envelope off with writing his name in calligraphy and a sealed it off with a silver wax seal and a stamp of an ivy. Now, it's time to read the one form Draco. I've never gotten an owl from him before so I don't really know what to expect.

I took out my letter opener and sliced the wax seal, slipping the letter out. I unfolded it and saw the neatest handwriting I've ever seen. Not even my handwriting looks this perfect and neat.


I know I don't write, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your company yesterday.

Draco L. Malfoy

Wow. Very short and not sweet. It's not like I was expecting a whole page filled with words but I feel like he could've easily told me this when we get back on the Hogwarts Express to school on tomorrow. I'm not really sure if I should write back or just hold onto the letter. If I don't write back, he might feel like I'm ignoring him or I didn't get the letter. Maybe I'm overthinking this too much. Draco probably doesn't care whether or not I write back.

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