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*ivy's p.o.v.*

It's been eating me up inside that I've know fucked Draco TWO times and I haven't told Pansy about it. I know she ended things with him but she spent years writing "Mrs. Malfoy" in her diary. She's always had the biggest crush on Draco and when she started dating him, she spent every moment she has with him. Pansy is my sister and I have to tell her but I don't know how to and I don't know if I can. She might hate me forever if she finds out, especially since the first time it happened a week after she broke up with him.

Pansy means the world to me but it's hard being her sister because I've always lived in her shadows. In my parent's eyes, she's perfect because she follows all of their rules and ideals and I'm always on the outside. She cares about being pureblood and are against muggles whereas, I'm the opposite. I don't care about blood status or if people are associated to nonmagical people. My parent's love me but they definitely wished that I was more like Pansy and cared more about the family name, especially since we're apart of the Scared Twenty-Eight.

When we were kids, Pansy and I set "sister rules" for each other and we've been following them ever since. A big rule we have for each other is to NEVER go for each other's men unless we get permission and I never got permission from Pansy to hook up with Draco, not like I needed or wanted it. I'm scared that if I tell her about Draco but I feel like I should. I would be a shit sister if I didn't.

"Ugh", Pansy groaned. "I can't believe McGonagall assigned us a three page essay on Human Transfigurations"

Pansy, Daphne, Tracey, and I are sitting in the library doing our homework since we are finished with our lessons for the day. The best time to be in library is when everyone else is in class because I hate being there when everyone else is. Sometimes we would study and do our homework in the common room but we always get distracted, especially if the boys are sitting at the table with us.

"What are we supposed to write?", asked Pansy.

"Try writing the definition", Tracey suggested.

"Like that's going to feel up three pages of parchment", Pansy said rolling her eyes. "Ivy, you're the smart one. What are you writing?"

"I haven't even started. I'm probably going to write definitions for each type of Human Transfiguration and then examples for them"

"Thank Merlin we have you", said Daphne. "I was about to full the pages up with the Color Changing Spell"

"I mean you could. You can write about the history and the witch or wizard who created"

"That's a good one. Why didn't I come up with that", Tracey said throwing her head back.

"Well, I'm going to go look for a book on Human Transfigurations", I said getting up from my chair.

"Can you bring us back some books if you find more?", Pansy asked.


"Thanks, sissy, you're the best", she said blowing me a kiss.

I walked down the long aisle until I reached the section on Transfiguration. The bookcases went from the floor to the ceiling and is filled with hundreds of books. It would take me forever to find a book on Human Transfigurations but luckily I learned a spell my fourth year that helps me narrow down my book search. As I take my wand out, I spotted Harry down the aisle looking through a book.

"Transfigurations, huh?", I asked him.

"Yeah", Harry chuckled. "McGonagall really did us with this one. I'm supposed to be coming up with quidditch strategies for the next match but I'm stuck writing this paper"

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