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*ivy's p.o.v.*

When I woke up this morning, I saw Pansy sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for me to wake up like our cat, Nova, back at home. She always does this whenever she has something "exciting" to tell me. It's exciting for her, but for me, not so much. My guess is, she's going to talk about Draco, like she always does.

"Good. You're finally up", Pansy said passing me my hairbrush and handheld mirror. "I feel like we haven't spoken to each other recently. I know I've been busy with Draco, but you're my one and only sister. I need to spend more time with you"

"It's fine, P. You have a boyfriend and I don't. We don't have to be joined at the hip all the time like we used to when we were little", I said brushing my hair out.

"Yeah, but we need sister time, you know?"

"I guess..."

"Look, Ives. I know that we grew up to be two very different people but you're my sister and I love you more than anything"

"I love you too, P"

"I hope you know that could tell me anything"

"Yeah, I know", I said taking out my wand and casting a charm that washes my face and brushes my teeth for me so I don't have to get up and go to the bathroom.

"So, tell me about everything that happened between you and Theo. Draco told me about what happened which makes me sad because you talked to him about it first before me"

"Draco kind of cornered be last night when we were patrolling the corridors but there's nothing to really talk about. I just told Theo that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him and that I'm fine with us seeing other people"

"Oh wow, little miss Ivy is trying to fuck other guys", Pansy laughed.

"I'm not trying to fuck other guys. Why does everyone keep on saying that?"

"It's not a bad thing, sissy. Might as well shag as many guys as you can before the school year ends. What about cotillion? Now that you and Theo are over, you need to secure an escort"

"Pansy, cotillion is months away, I don't need to worry about it right now"

"I don't get how you're so calm about this. Cotillion prep is in two months. I'd be crying myself to sleep if I were you"

"That's because you care more about cotillion than I do"

"Get up and get dressed, let's have a sister day", she said getting up from my bed.

"Sister day? What are we going to do?"

"No idea, but let's go to Hogsmeade", she said grabbing my hands and dragging me out of bed. "Wear something cute", she insisted.

I let out a groan and walked over to my dresser. It's snowing outside so I should wear something that's going to keep me warm but Pansy insists I look cute. I looked through my dresser and found a pair of leather trousers. I put on the trousers and paired it with a black knit turtleneck long sleeve shirt, an olive green leather jacket, and black boots. I kept my hair down and split down the middle. For my makeup, I just added a little bit of mascara and brow gel with some blush.

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