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*ivy's p.o.v.*

I'm sitting in the library doing Transfiguration homework with Theo because he's been struggling with Vanishing Spells and he wanted me to help him out. Luckily, I save a lot notes from my N.E.W.T. classes last year. We're pretty much relearning everything we learned last year except we have to take a really hard exam before graduation. What previous seventh years told me, the N.E.W.T. is a hundred times worst than the O.W.L. exams. I breezed through my O.W.L.s with no problem so hopefully my N.E.W.T. is the same.

"I feel like we haven't really talked recently", Theo said looking up from his Transfiguration textbook.

"What do you mean? We hang out all the time"

"Well, not one on one. When we're with the group, we don't really talk"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to unintentionally ignore you", I said setting my quill down.

"No, it's fine. I just miss talking to you. How have you been?"

"Um... Well, besides the whole Pansy drama, I've been okay. You?"

"Yeah", he chuckled. "I've been good"

"How's that girl you've been talking to?"

"Oh, Millie Brown? We're okay but I don't think it's going anywhere"

"Oh... I'm sorry"

"It's whatever. She's weird anyways"

This is weird. I haven't talked to Theo one on one in so long I don't even know what to say to him.

"So...", he said breaking the awkward silence. "I'm glad you're still going to cotillion with me. You probably rather go with Malfoy"

"No, no. Draco and I aren't... things... It's not like that"

"If that's so then do you want to hang out today? Go out to Hogsmeade for butterbeer?"

"Um... I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to give you mixed signals or anything"

"Then we'll go just as friends"

"Okay", I sighed. "We'll go just as friends. I've been craving some butterbeer"

"Perfect", he smiled. "Wanna go right now?"

"Uh, sure. Let me change out of my uniform and school robe first"

I got out of my chair and Theo helped me with my books. We walked down to the dungeons together. Theo walked me to my dorm room and I went straight to my dresser to change. Since it's not a big deal or a date, I'm just going to dress casual but still cute and warm since there's still a little bit of snow outside. I changed into a pair of black leather pants, a blue cropped turtleneck long sleeve top, a black wool jacket, and a pair of black boots. I pulled my hair into a low bun and pinned my curtain bangs back with hair clips.

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