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*ivy's p.o.v.*

    Ever since Pansy's date with Draco, all she could talk about is the "spark" she felt between them. It's nauseating listening to her talk about Draco all the fucking time. I get it, she's the only girl to have ever gotten to have a chance with the one and only Draco Malfoy but no one cares but their relationship. Well... I kind of do but I don't at the same time. My crush on Draco was a long time ago but I still feel some type of way every now and then. There's nothing I can do since Pansy called dibs on him when we were in year two. It's whatever, I could care less.

    Recently, Draco has been getting on my nerves because he can't stop cock blocking Theo and I. Since that day he caught me in their room, I haven't spoken to him. He's been so crazy protective lately and it's so annoying. He's always sneaking off with my sister and I never say anything. I wish Draco would just leave me alone and stopping treating me like a little girl. I'm seventeen and perfectly capable of making my own decisions when it comes to boys.

    "Ivy, look", Pansy said jumping onto my bed. "Draco got me a gift", she said holding a little box wrapped in black wrapping paper.


    "I hope it's jewelry. Maybe it's a ring or earrings. I feel like he has great taste in jewelry"

    Pansy sat right in front of me, unwrapping the gift Draco got her. When she fully unwrapped the box, I saw that it was new perfume, probably because Draco hates the one that she wears, at least that's what he told me during the Start of Term Feast.

    "Should I wear this for him today?", asked Pansy.


    "You don't look excited"

    "And why should I be excited?"

    "Because you're my sister and should be happy for me. In the next year or so, Draco and I will be married and I'll be living it up in the Malfoy Manor"

    "How do you even know that's what he wants?"

    "What are you? Jealous?"

    "No. You can have Draco, I don't care"

    "He told me about you and Nott. Did you finally swipe your v-card?"

    "No... did you?"

    "Soon. Before cotillion, I'm going to be riding that blonde stallion. Did I ever tell you how big he is?"

    "Gross", I said pushing Pansy away from me.

    "Don't be such a prude, sis"

    "I'm not a prude, I just can't imagine fucking Draco Malfoy"

    "Good, because you know that Draco is mine, right?"

    "Of course, Pansy", I said rolling my eyes.

    "I appreciate you putting your feelings aside for me. You're the best sister ever", she said hugging me. "Gotta go, Draco and I have to get drinks for the party tonight". She then skipped out of our room.

    After Pansy left our room, I got up from my bed and walked out to the common room. I saw Theo sitting by himself at one of the study tables so I walked over to him. He was reading a book and playing with the curls in his hair. When I sat down in the seat next to him, he shut his book and placed in right in front of him.

    "Hey, Ivy. Ready for the party tonight?", Theo asked.

    "Yup, can't wait for loud music and intoxicated teens", I said sarcastically.

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