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Once again, my job took all my time. I want to specialize in surgery and that has been making me busy.

When I become a surgeon, I might not have much time for myself but It's worth it. Sha...I will need someone in my life that won't be too busy. That's the only way I can balance things.

Hours later and at last, I closed for the day. Just when I walked out of the hospital, my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID.

Idiot? Oh! Idiot is Prince.

I swiped my finger across my phone screen to accept the call. "Hello! Am I speaking to Idiot? He called me," I said with my cheeks puffed as I tried to suppress my laughter.

"Weird Angel, how you doing?"

"So you saved my contact like that?" I exclaimed.

"But you just called me Idiot!" he retorted.

I chuckled.

"How is work?" he asked.

"It was great. I just closed for the day right now!"

"I know you're a doctor but what do you specialize in?"


"What? You?"

"No oo! My twin sister!" I hissed with sarcasm dripping of my voice.

He fell silent and then said, "You just rendered me speechless".

"That's nice!" I smiled and walked to the side of the road.

"So! You specialize in surgery?"


"Wow! I'm proud of you. That's wonderful!" he cheered.

I smirked. "Thanks! I'm just doing my residency program. My ultimate dream is to be a surgeon".

"Angel, if you need any help in achieving that dream, you can come to me. You have my full support," he said in a firm voice that uplifted my spirit.

I chuckled and said, "Thanks!"

There was a brief silence before he added, "Actually I called to ask if you would be busy today!"


"I wanted you to meet my annoying, crazy family!"


Am I busy? Kinda! But can I cancel my schedule? Yes! I need some drama today. I'll go with him.

"Okay! I will like to meet them!"

"Where are you now?"

I gave him the address of the hospital. He told me he would be coming and the call ended. I headed back to the hospital and relaxed at the reception room.

An hour later, he arrived and I hopped into his expensive, black sleek car.

Exactly fifty minutes later, guess the drama I met.

"Prince, that woman will not enter this house," his mother raged.

"But she is already inside the house," Prince replied with an unconcerned look.

"Then turn around and kick her out of my house!" she roared.

"But she is his girlfriend!" his grandmother's thin voice echoed.

"So? How does that concern us. He has a fiance! That's what matters!" his eighteen-year old sister snorted and eyed me.

"Prince, take her out of this house. Why must you bring insult upon our family? Don't you have a fiance?" his father bellowed.

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now