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After my lunch with Prince, he actually credited my account. We had agreeed on five thousand naira when we were making the deal through our chat that time but now, he credited my account with ten thousand naira.

"I love your generosity, Prince!" I replied as I stared at the bank alert on my phone.

"Aren't you meant to love the person and not the generosity?"

I laughed out. "Leave me jor! I just love your generosity. Forget about the person," I rose to my feet. "I've got to go to the hospital now. Take care of yourself. Goodbye".

He smiled with his dented cheeks and said, "Save lives, my angel".

I chuckled. "Sure! That's what I love to do".

I left the restaurant and headed straight to my hospital. Just when I got in, the receptionist said that the new doctor I will be working under wanted to see me.

I should be scared abi? You know, since I was rude to him. But nope! Savage Anita just bounced into his office.

That's right! I got into my scrub, wore my lab coat and bounced into his office.

I didn't even knock sef!

The weird toothy smile he sent to me made me wish I could vanish.

Eww! Old man, why are you smiling at me like that?

"Please come in!" he said politely.

Am I safe? What's with the nice behavior?

"Have a seat!" he added when he noticed I haven't moved an inch. "Don't worry! I just want to talk business with you".

"Talk! I will stand here"

"No! No! I don't want that. Please come and have a seat"

"I am fine here. Just talk. I don't have time. I have something important to do," I snarled.

I saw his lips twitch in anger but he still maintained his toothy smile. "Okay! I will go straight to the point".

"Alright!" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm interested in your body!"

I scoffed. "Adios!" I turned to leave but he growled and slammed his palm on his table.

"You are going nowhere! Do you want to finish your residency program? Do you want to be a surgeon in life? Then, be a good girl or say goodbye to your dreams. Just one bad report from me and your dreams will be crushed," the words rushed out of his mouth and he concluded with an evilly smirk.

I held my breathe and just watched as his smirk turned to a snicker.

"So which hotel do you prefer?" he asked me.

"Get prepared to lose your job!" I told him and walked away.

Do I have plans to make him lose his job? Nope! Do I know what to do now? Nope! The rich will always be in control. Power corrupts! Therefore....I am in big trouble.

I sighed and went to do my work for today. I assisted a surgeon in his operation and after that, the patient was free from danger. Little did I know that, Mr Kunle, the shameless doctor had evil plans for me. Something had gone wrong with the oxygen mask and tubes of the patient. He almost lost his life. The worst of it was that the last person to touch it was actually me but when I left there it was working perfectly.

I don't understand what's going on though but I can say that someone just framed me.

The family of the patient were so angry and accused me of not knowing my job. The whole hospital was in chaos and the head of the departments said I should leave the hospital till further notice.

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now