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          •°•°•Anita's POV•°•°•

I couldn't explain what was going on with me. Torrents of tears just kept rolling down my cheek. I wasn't heartbroken– lies. I didn't lose anyone– lies. In fact, my day was going well except for my raging stomach– more lies. However, I couldn't just stop my own tears. It felt like a waste to me. Why cry? I guess my brutality was the cause of my sudden tears. Who on Earth slaughters bunch of onions just for a simple Nigerian Stew? The onions just wanted to teach me a lesson and I was learning it the hard way. The stings in my eyes were too much for me. However, I was never the kind to give up. I diced every single onions with me. My cloth was soaked with my tears but I had a good news to share. My stew was delicious and I loved it.

However, my heart was aching. Prince broke up with me; he slapped me. I had just finished eating my delicious white rice and stew. I promised myself I won't cry because of a man. I promised myself I won't cry about the breakup. I have cried enough. For two days, I haven't been able to leave my house neither have I gone to work. It's stupid. I disliked how I was letting my emotions control me.

There was a slight knock on the door and my heart raced. It always did whenever I heard a knock. I was always expecting Prince to knock and tell me all he said to me was a lie and that he was sorry. I sighed, something told me that it won't happen. What I didn't understand was how the Prince I knew changed in days. How did he change? How did he stop loving me? I could remember how he told me he loved me and left Abuja for a family emergency. How did he change?

Deep down, I could hear a voice telling me he hadn't change and maybe he was hiding something from me. But I was scared. I was fearful of another harsh heartbreak.

I rose to open the door and my flatmates strolled in. Josie moaned and smiled at me. "What's that smell? Did you cook?"

I nodded my head weakly.

"I love you," she shrieked and ran to the kitchen.

Titi and Chi-girl sauntered in and they both landed on the couch with a great flop.

"We have good news," Titi squealed.

"Wow," I replied lowly. I was down and I wasn't going to hide it. They all knew about my breakup. It was funny to see them, absurdly, cursing Prince, their anger flaring up as I narrated the painful moment. My brain refused to believe my Prince was a jerk and a selfish bastard.

"Don't you want to hear the good news?" Titi quizzed.

"Please share.." I intoned, my voice, drawling, since every words were just forced out.

"Our Instagram followers just reached twenty thousand. 20k, my sister! Our fashion company is growing," Titi exclaimed and hopped to her feet, a large smile on her face.

"Oh...wow....so nice," I responded and faltered towards my room.

"Hey, come back here. This is not the Anita we know. You never cry this much for a man na," Chi-girl called out.

I heaved a sigh. "I know".

"Just move on," Josie said as she walked in with a plate of food in her hand, the white and topped with a sauced chicken.

"Easy for you to say," I snapped at her and she flung her free hand up in mock surrender.

"When will you finish crying and go to work? You know that the bills don't pay themselves?" Chi-girl asked. It annoyed me that she was so blunt. I narrowed my eyes at her. She wasn't the one to blame. It was Prince's fault. He came to my life and left me with pain. My emotions were in a tangled mess, as though someone decided to mix the seven colours on a rainbow in one bowl. The red mixed with the green, the yellow with the blue. Should I be sad or angry? I was hugely perplexed, his memories, an encumbrance to my heart. I sighed again.

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