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"Prince, you are definitely a workaholic. Won't you do anything else? Spare that laptop. I'm sure it's tired," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

Prince glanced at me. His lips tipped up in a small smile and his attention was back to his laptop. His fingers gracefully but swiftly tapped on the keyboard, leaving a beat to echo in the room.

I was still in Prince's room after we had successfully gotten into his house. I lay on his bed, my back resting on his headboard. Prince's room was large. He had said his mom picked out his design when he was building the house.

It was painted dark blue. He had a king size bed, a large mirror beside the walk-in wardrobe. His room was spacious. He also had a leather desk and a swivel chair. That's where he has been when he got into his room. He has been on his laptop, printing documents and just doing office work. He isn't even talking to me and right now, I'm bored. When I peeped into Prince's walk-in wardrobe, it looked like a mini mall. He had a lot of suit of different colors, pattern and design. I was baffled. That's not all, his bathroom is like my dream bathroom. His bathtub is so big. Someone could relax there in a soapy water. According to him, it was the latest jacuzzi. His bathroom was big that's why it also had space for a showerbath with glass door around it.

I felt tempted to bath there but I had to resist. Still sitting on the bed, I scrolled through my social media and groaned. I needed to get Prince to do something with me. He can't just allow his guest and his girlfriend to suffer of boredom. I wouldn't allow that.

I hopped out of his large bed, strolled to where he was sitting and stood behind him. I gently tapped his shoulder till he turned his gaze to me.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Stand up!"

He lifted a brow at me.

"Just stand up!"

He hesitated but rose to his feet. Standing behind him, I helped him take off his suit.

"Since I'm your girlfriend. You must sacrifice your time and you must definitely tone down on your workaholic life"

He was silent with his eyes fixed on me. I didn't make eye contact but just hung his suit on his seat and began to work my way through his tie.

"Get a life, dude! You are so boring," I added and smirked. "So as your guest, you need to entertain me". I took off his tie and took some steps backwards. "Go have your shower and we can think of a game to play for now. You need to loosen up. You are too uptight. If I worked like the way you do, I'll lose my sense. All work and no play makes Anita a dull girl"

He smiled at that and nodded. "Fine!"

"I'll go to your balcony so you can have your privacy. Do you have any game we can play?"

"Um..." he stroked his chin. "I think I have whot cards. I usually play that game with my brother".

"Okay! That will be alright. Go freshen up!" I waved my hand dismissively, picked my phone that was on the bed and made my way to the balcony. I sat on the wooden chair there and studied more about the medical field I was interested in.

A few minutes later, Prince walked up to me. When I looked up at him, my mouth dropped.

Did he do this on purpose? I asked myself as I unconsciously stared at his sexy abs.

My eyes traveled slowly down his broad chest with rock hard abs. I tried to pull my gaze away but the gleaming water droplet made him hot enough to melt glasses.

Gosh! His light brown skin is flawless.

"Anita, are you listening to me?" he asked.

I quickly dragged my gaze to his face and a mortified expression settled on my features. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you doing this on purpose? Trying to look sexy, huh?"

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