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Hello, guys! I have a spiritual book I'm working on. If you want to join me so we can help each other grow spiritually the book is open for you. I hope to get more readers who will be willing to contribute to it and to share their opinion. God loves you and he sent his Only Son to die for you. Feel free to check the book. Thank you. Mwahh! 😘


"Not really. I admire the fact that doctors save life. Scientist has helped the world to develop. That's amazing"

"Yeah! While you count naira notes, we deal with human body"

He chuckled. We resumed eating our ice cream as we chatted. Laughing. Just enjoying the breeze and the cold air. We came early to the beach so we had the whole day to enjoy ourselves. Our stomach felt tight when we were half way through the big bucket of ice cream.

Prince had his driver return them to his car and we lay on the mat. We wore our sunglasses as we stared at the blue sky. I decided a good music would be great at this moment.

I picked my phone and earpiece from my bag. I played my best track. I placed one of the speaker in my right ear and since I was laying at Prince's left, I placed the other in his left ear. He was shocked and stared at my phone. He didn't expect me to share my earpiece with him. I rolled my eyes and said, "I want you to hear the best musics in the world".

He snorted, "Rap music?"

"I love all kinds of music but I seem to enjoy this artist's track. Listen! Aren't you hearing the beat? His lyrics are also rhyming"

Prince nodded his head to the beat. "Not bad!" he voiced, placed his hand behind his head on the mat and gazed at the sky. I did the exact thing he had done and gazed at the sky too. He turned to me and smirked.

So handsome! I thought when his pink lips had curved.

"After this little rest, we must ride a horse. Deal?"

"Deal!" he nodded. We lay on our blue mat in a comfortable silence, humming to the music. I decided to play a soft music after two minutes the song ended. I rose a little as I glanced at Prince. I wanted to ask his opinion about the music. When my eyes landed on his face, I took off his glasses. My eyes widened when I noticed his eyes were shut and his even breaths.

He fell asleep? You've got to be kidding me.

Instead of putting his glass back, I just propped on my elbow and took my time to stare at his face.

I definitely don't have feelings for him. He looks like a guy I want to have as a friend. I even feel we will have an amazing friendship. But one thing about me is that I like to admit the fact. Personally, I am also optimistic because of my profession. I like to encourage my patients to be strong and fight every battles that come their ways. The fact here is that Prince is so handsome. I can't get enough of it.

The man's angular cheekbones, perfectly accentuated his face. His plump pink lips was framed by neatly trimmed beard. His brows was a little messy so I slid my thumb on it to put it in place. I did it for both brows and he moved. His face turned to me and he used his arms as a pillow as he slept. He looked so hot but calm. I could tell he hadn't slept well for a long time typical workaholic so I allowed him to enjoy his sleep while I tried to take a few selfies.

A wicked thought came to my mind and I took pictures of Prince asleep. All of them were great.

When I looked around me, some men in the beach had their lustful eyes on me. One of them caught my eyes and smirked at me. I scowled and hissed. The idiot saw my obviously rude response as a permission for him to walk up to me. He glanced at Prince who was asleep and a mischievous grin took over his face. His eye lit up as he shamelessly checked me out.

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