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Four years later!

"Haba! All I'm asking is for you to give me the chicken!" I scowled and eyed Prince. He didn't look my way as he flipped the chicken cuts.

"Can't you wait?" he chuckled. I let my gaze up and down his figure. His look left me wondering how a person could be both cute and handsome all at the same time. He was wearing my purple apron but looked far better on him than on me. My eyes dropped to the fry pan and I began to salivate again.

"No na! I just want to taste," I whined.

"Don't worry. Don't taste. It is sweet. I know it is. Don't bother about tasting," he replied and winked at me.

"What you are doing is not good oo"

"Last time I allowed you to taste, you finished the chicken before the whole food was ready. What you did that day was not good oo," he responded and threw an accusing look at me. I shrugged nonchalantly and picked a fresh apple from the bowl on the counter. We were in the our home, the new duplex we had saved and built to our taste. The kitchen had all the features I had always prayed to have. It had a fancy bar room filled with healthy, nourishing drinks. Yep, I'm still the same doctor that's against alcohol. The kitchen was spacious with dishwasher, inbuilt gas cooker and microwave and other machines. It had a large window that I love. It allowed the sunlight to seep in and filter on my belly bed husband. His brown skin gleaming with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, face and to his neck.

"Ah ahan! It was our one year dating anniversary. I had to enjoy"


"This is our first wedding anniversary. You can't even pamper me?" I gasped dramatically and shook my head. "This hurts so much".

"I will pamper you after the rice has boiled and the table is set," he said with an air of confidence and continued his work on the chicken.

"Ah na!" I exclaimed and lifted myself up on the counter. "What's your own sef?"

"It's for your own good. Don't you want to see fried chicken on your plate of rice?"

"Forget that one," I grumbled and crossed my arms over my chest.

He shook his head in silence. My cheek flushed as I watched him cook. I still didn't understand how he tolerated me but he did. No matter how childish, stubborn or annoying I act, he had this patience with me that I admired. God knew I needed a man like this. I'm just so grateful right now. Prince was my better half. Sometimes, I feel he knows me more than I know myself. It's crazy but mostly true. He knew how to make me happy. He always knows what I need and at what time to give it to me. I won't say he is perfect in everything nor can I say his character is flawlessly. He is human and he does have his days when I'm like "Who is this Prince?" But we learnt that we shouldn't condemn ourselves but work together to build our relationship. We should not be the one to cause the flaws to be obvious but to help mend and grow the person more. We should bring out the best from our spouse and that can't be possible if we aren't showing our loving, good and Christlike characters. Prince and I have learnt to understand ourselves and that's why we never get tired of each other's company. Today was our wedding anniversary. We had dated for two years to get to know ourselves better and to grow our career and then, we married last year.

As soon as Prince took the fried, crispy chicken out of the hot oil, my eyes were on them. He placed them in a plate and proceeded to fry the others. While he wasn't watching, I sneaked to it and my hands, midway to it, he slapped off. He took the plate and rose it to the air.

"Try and catch it!"

I hopped on my feet but couldn't reach it. "Just because you are tall, abi?"

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