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"Is the table set?" My mom asked as she dished our dinner in silver plates. The aroma of her delicious stew filtered the room. The rice were white on the plates as she scooped spoonful. Dinner was going to put a large smile on my face. I could sense it.

"Yes, mum"

"Is Naomi's boyfriend going to come? I've been expecting him," Mom inquired while I washed spoons to eat, the cold water rolling down my hands

"Naomi said he will come. I also called him and he said he will come," I replied with a half-shrug. "Maybe there is traffic and it's delaying him".

"He should come oo. I want to see the man my daughter is madly in love with," she exclaimed. "I can't believe all that happened to Naomi. Can you?"

"Is it about her love story?"

"Yes," my mom let out and waved a kitchen napkin in the air. "How did that evil girl Kate come into her life? How did Freddy even lose his memory? I'm just surprised Naomi still won his heart. Thank God nothing happened to her".

I jerked my head in agreement.

"The story is still hard to believe oo. It's like a movie," she said with a look of disbelief.

I chuckled. "I know, mom. Naomi got a captivating love story. When she tells her children in the future, they too will be shocked".

"Children? Will they marry?" Her eyes went round and she placed her arms akimbo on her hip.

"Why not, mum? They love each other"

"Have I met the boy? If I don't like him, I won't accept the relationship," she said and pursed her lips.

"Ah! Mum! Don't come against them. They have passed through alot. I don't think they will hesitate to fight for their love. Don't become their
Enemy oo".

"Enemy? I'm her mother na. Mothers know best. Maybe the man is not good for her. I will have to open her eyes to the truth," my mom said and began to dish stew on the boiled rice.

"Mum," I snickered. "You don't know how much Naomi loves Freddy that's why you are saying this".

"Freddy? That is name ehh," Mum mumbled. "I don't trust men like him. He studied abroad, right?"

"Mummy! No dey judge na. You haven't met him yet"

"I hope he doesn't have any drinking habits. Does he take drugs?" she slanted a brow in disapproval.

"Mum, is Naomi dumb? How can she fall for a drug addict?"

"Does he have money? Can he take care of my daughter?"

"He is an actor and yes, he has money".

"A millionaire?" She gasped and the spoon in her hand fell on the floor.

"I don't know oo. I don't know. Maybe you can ask him yourself," I chuckled and shook my head. "Mummy eh! You are too funny".

"Ehen!" My mom squealed and picked the spoon from the floor. "Is Prince coming today? How is he?"

"Hmm...." I trailed off.

"Did anything happen to him?" she asked in a voice soaked with concern.

"Well...His family are in the hospital"

"All of them?"


"Are they sick?"

"Not really. I will tell you about it later. I'm sure dad is hungry. I'll take the food to the table"

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