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I just published a new book right now! I was trying to write it with the hope to reach the end soon but I realized I love to post my chapters to my readers because it motivates me ALOT! A big emphasis on the word ALOT. I'm hoping to get your comments and criticisms of the book. Thanks. It is called 'Me vs You'.


I was running, not just running but flying. I sprinted down the hallway and into Naomi's hospital room. The door slammed the wall as I ran to her side. I froze and my heart broken into pieces. She was surrounded with all I have spent years seeing in other people's body and bed. These people being my patients. It hurt me to see my sister vulnerable and weak. What worried me is the fact that it can be hard to tell if the patient will survive or not. My head dropped as tears that I've welled up, poured like a rainfall.

"Anita, take in deep breathes. Your sister will be fine. Come!" Prince pulled me by my arm and hugged me. His warm embrace only made me cry more. He rubbed my back and said every soothing words he knew.

"Are you Naomi's sister?" A deep voice quizzed. I lifted my head and my gaze fell on a familiar face– too familiar. When last have I seen this face? Eight years ago when he didn't have beards nor sharp manly jawline. I nodded, still stunned on how handsome he had grown to be.

"Yes! She is," Prince replied on my behalf.

"Are you Naomi's brother?" Freddy directed the question to Prince.

Prince's brow went up and he replied, "No"

"Are you...hmm...Her husband?" he asked and bobbed his head to me.

That question stung me and I took three steps away from Prince's embrace. "Whose husband?"  It is not like I don't want to be Prince's wife. I just don't want to rush into marriage yet.

His eyes widened. "Your...Um...Your husband?"

I pursed my lips and glanced at Prince.

Let him answer!

"I'm her boyfriend," he replied.

Freddy nodded. I couldn't control a sigh from leaving my lips.

He means fake boyfriend. He doesn't want to be the real one.

"My name is Anita!" I announced and rushed to the man I haven't seen for long and who had stolen my sister's precious heart. "FREDDY! My brother in-law".

My arms wrapped around his waist as I pulled him into a bonecrushing hug.

"Brother in what????" he coughed out.

"In-law na! I called you this in secondary school. I know you might not recall but see ehhh...E no concern me. You must remember me. I'm too cool for you to forget me"

"I'll try my best!"

"Better!" I chuckled and clapped my hand on his back. There was a brief silence before I sighed. "I'm glad Kate's caught. That's all that matters to me!"

"Me too!"

"When will Naomi wake up?"

"When the sedative clears"


"I love your sis," he exclaimed out of the blue which put a large smile on my face.

"I know you did. I'm just surprised you still do"

"Of course I still do. She's my better half," his voice rang with gaiety

"Awwn!" I pouted and my cheeks flushed.

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