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The image above 👆is Prince. I want my character, Prince Arinze to look like that. What do you think? Is he handsome, hot or what? Share your thoughts. Is this man good-looking? Is he okay for Anita? 😉😍


I was having a busy but lovely day at work. I got into the changing room and relaxed on the bench provided there. It was lunch time and I decided to have lunch at a nearby eatery. I changed from the scrubs I was wearing into my normal wear; a red and black T-shirt under a blue jeans.

My phone rang. It was in my bag and my bag was on a chair a little distance away from me. I sighed but didn't stand up. I was just too weak at that moment. Hunger was dealing with my belly. Also, I have been standing for hours assisting one of the doctors.

My phone rang again and disturbing thoughts ran through my head.

What if there is an emergency at home and my mom is trying to contact me. Besides my father falls sick a lot.

I forced myself to my feet and strolled to my bag. I pulled out my phone and the caller ID was idiot. My brows scrunched up.

Who is idiot....Oh!

I smirked. "Hello," I voiced.

"Hey, Angel! How you doing?"

I shrugged and when I realized he couldn't see me, I said, "It's going well".

"Have you eaten?"

I rose a brow. "How does that concern you?"

"Chill, Angel!"

I rolled my eyes. Why is he always calling me Angel? I know it's my name but still....No one calls me that.

"I was hoping we could eat lunch together!"


"Cos I'm a workaholic and I'm hungry"

"What you just said doesn't make sense to me," I exclaimed.

"I want to force myself out of my office so I can eat but I'm just on my laptop doing office work. I want to take you out for lunch. If I'm eating with someone I won't think of work so much and maybe I can force myself out of my office".

"You are weird. I hope you know that?"

He chuckled. "Yeah!"

"Why do you work like that?"

"I feel like every minutes count and I should spend it wisely. So I use all my time to make money since I'm a business man".

"Okay! I was about to leave the hospital to eat lunch. Where are you?"

"In my office!"

"Eyah! I'm already leaving. I guess we can't eat lunch together"

"Wait! Can you like wait a little? I'll be at your hospital in a jiffy. Just wait," I heard some noise, then the sound of a door shutting and the sound of keys dangling. Thud! Thud! I could tell Prince was moving down a staircase.

"Why should I wait?"

"Err...." he trailed off.

"You see! You don't have a reason. Bye!"

"Wait! I have a reason"


With a low, soft voice, he added, "Because you're my girlfriend and there is nothing wrong with a girlfriend having lunch with her boyfriend".

"Hmm...," I voiced and rubbed my chin. "Let me think. Should I wait or should I not wait?"

"Just wait!"

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now