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I am so sorry for the late update. 😭😑


"So have you been able to talk to Prince?" I asked. There was some rumble at the other end of the line before Freddy's reply. "Yeah".

"Really? What did he say?"

"He ignored me. The guy is cold right now. He literally just walked away from me. He also rose his fist at me. What's wrong with him?" Freddy exclaimed.

"I don't know oo," I bawled and shut my eyes. "Is it that he is angry? Did he look angry?"

"I can't tell. Everything happened so fast. I'm following him though. He is in his office. The moment he leaves, I will also follow him to wherever he goes. When he is alone, I will confront him. He needs to explain himself."

"Okay!" I sighed. "Thanks. I have to go now. I have somewhere to be".

"To save lives?" He chuckled.

"Yes! You are a fast learner"

"You love to say that," he laughed.

"I'm actually going to another hospital. We have a patient to check up".

"Oh okay," he replied. "We can talk later".

"Yeah," I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Please inform me about Prince though".

"Don't worry, Anita. Everything will be alright"

"Thanks a lot! I'm so glad my sister met a loving guy like you," I said with a smile on my face.

"Awwn! I'm blushing," he said with a hearty laughter.

"Are you serious?"

"Nah!" his laughter increased. "I'm smiling not blushing".

"What's the difference?" I hissed.

"There is a different, sis"

"I would like to argue this wity you but I'm sure Naomi would love to do it herself," I snickered. "Bye!"

"You're right. I should call her and ask," he exclaimed.

"Ensure you have enough airtime oo. The argument go long die," I laughed. "Bye!"

"Sure! Bye"

The call ended and I went back to my locker. I was in the locker room for nurses and I was just changing into my scrub. I couldn't tell how my day was going to be. However, I decided to go with flow. My heart and mind weren't so....ready for drama. That's why I easily agreed to Stephen's offer.

I glanced at my phone and then, the name saved as Idiot in my contact.  I dialed it. It rang but was ignored. I shook my head as if to clear my head of all it's thoughts. I got out of the locker room and bumped into Stephen. His toothy smile freaked me out the moment I saw it.

"You are coming, right?" he asked me.

"I said yes earlier. Stop asking the same question," I sneered with an eyeroll.

Stephen had insisted I follow his crew to a hospital close by. He had a patient to attend to and he said it would inspire me towards neurosurgery if I watched him work. I doubted if I would ever do that. I wanted to major in  surgery related to children.

"Shall we go? The bus is here," he announced.

I couldn't stop an eyeroll. I don't know why I'm going with him but I am. "I will be back. I want to check on one of my patients".

He nodded and I noticed some of his crew stroll to him. I stalked down the hallway and into the room of a patient I have grown to love.

"Hey, champ" I voiced and winked at her. Clara smiled and rose to a sitting position on the bed. "I have good news".

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now