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After the long journey, we arrived at my apartment. We both went up the stairs to my flat. The moment the door opened, my flatmates were quick to welcome Prince in after seeing what were in his hands.

"Please, have a seat!" Titi exclaimed and even dusted the couch for him.

This girl sha... I thought and rolled my eyes.

"You must be thirsty," The savage Chi-girl I know said sweetly and winked at Prince.

As soon as Prince sat down, Josie sat beside him. "Let me take the bags to the kitchen!"

Prince extended them to Josie and Chi-girl screamed like a taboo had been done. "Don't give it to her oo. Before she will say rat ate everything! Give me," she rushed and collected the bags from him.

"Are you hungry?" Josie asked.

"Nope! I've eaten!"

I rolled my eyes and grunted. "I can see you all love me oo. Yeah! I can see! I can see you also missed me".

They all turned to me. I assumed they will hiss and walk away but they ran to me and hugged me.

"How's our daddy?" Josie asked and planted a kiss on my forehead. "We missed you oo".

"Yeah! I am hoping you will prepare pepper soup for us. I've missed your cooking!" Titi replied with a goofy smile.

"You like food"

"Who doesn't?" she retorted.

"Anita, my love!" Chi-girl exclaimed and pinched my cheek. "We are having girls' night today. Titi has gist for us"

"Wow!" Prince barged into our conversation. "I bought a lot that can make that fun. There is ice cream..."

The girls didn't even let him finish before they ran after Chi-girl who was holding the bags.

Prince chuckled. "I think it's time for me to go"

"Sure! I'll escort you!"

"It's not necessary!"

"I insist!"


"I insist!"

"Okay! Thanks"

We walked to the corridor and as we descended the stairs the light bulb blinked and burst. Frightened, I gripped Prince's shirt. I took a deep breathe and turned my gaze to him. Our faces were inches away as his hot breathe fanned my forehead. Though I could not see his face in the dark, I was enjoying the feeling of his arm around my waist. All that was left was for me to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. Sincerely, I don't understand myself again. I just crave to be in his arms all day. The best part is that he is weIl-built. He's got muscles at the right places.

Omo! I am falling dangerously for this guy oo.

"You can go upstairs! I know the way to my car," he whispered, his manly scent intoxicating my senses.

"No...Um...No," I stuttered. "I must escort you".

"You are so naughty!" he replied with a deep chuckle that echoed in the corridor. "Okay! Let's go"

His arm left my waist. I wasn't surprised my whole being was not happy with this. However, he made my heart somersault when he slid his hand in mine. The warmth I felt, I can't describe. As crazy as this was to me, I was happy. I'm still confused on how little things Prince do make me happy. I'm worried about this.

We left the corridor in silence and the walk to his car seemed to last for hours. We preoccupied ourselves by gazing at the sky.

Operation make Prince fall for me! Well....The only way or should I say the best method is to be myself. I have heard these words somewhere and I'll still say it. You can't change the mind of someone who doesn't love you, because love is a matter of the heart. I know it's strange for me to say this when I'm a surgeon and I've seen, studied and evaluated the functions of the heart, but it's true. Love is a matter of the heart.

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