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Long stressful hours........But a life was saved today. I love my profession.

I was done with the surgery. A graceful smile was on my face as I walked out of the theatre. A figure came to my front and my eyes swept to Stephen's.

"Well done," he said.

"Thank you, Doctor Stephen" I replied.

"I can give you a ride if you wish," he added.

"No, thank you"

"It's eleven in the night. I can't let you walk alone," he replied firmly.

"I am not going to walk alone. I'm fine. Good night sir," I responded and strutted away.

The free ride was quite tempting. But....why will I want to sit with Stephen....alone in his car? No way.

I got my belongings from the locker room and changed to my normal outfit– blue jean and a peach long sleeve top. My light gold braids fell on my shoulders and I yawned as I left the room. I got to the entrance door and I slammed into someone. My head hit the individual's jaw and I whimpered, taking three steps backwards.

"I am so sorry," a familiar voice exclaimed. I looked up into his face.

Prince's eyes widened and he embraced me. He rubbed my back and whispered, "I'm sorry!"

For a moment, I'm shocked till I understood he was apologizing for bumping into me. Sigh!

"What are you doing here?" I asked and moved out of his arms.

"I'm here to pick you," he smiled at me.

"Me? Why?"

"Because you aren't a stress to me. You are a friend and I want to show you that our friendship is important to me," he replied. I did a double take of him. He was wearing a dark blue suit and a pair of slacks of the exact color.

I can't overemphasize on how smoky hot he is on suit. It just gives him this CEO vibes. Oh wait! I think he is the CEO of his company. Hmmm....The hot keeps getting hotter.

"Do you understand?" He asked.


"Lik...Do you get what I'm saying?" he asked and walked out of the doorway so some nurses could pass. I followed and stood beside him.

"I wasn't listening what did you say?"

"I might not want a relationship but I want friendship," he remarked.

"Oh...." I trailed off. I was disappointed that I couldn't change his mind. My look, personality nor awesomeness could get him to change his mind. I nodded. "Sure...You're my friend. Thanks for coming. I'm tired and I do need a ride home".

"I bought dinner. Are you interested?" He chuckled.


As we headed to the door, Prince suddenly turned another direction. "Doctor Okonkwo," he called out and he strode to Stephen.

My mouth dropped. He knows him? Just great! Please note my sarcasm.

"Mr Arinze," Stephen exclaimed. Their hands clapped in a handshake. "How was work today?"

"Good. Yours?"


"Have you met..." Prince turned to me. "Her? Anita. She's the Ambitious and hardworking woman I spoke about".

I stood with a stoic expression and Prince cocked a brow at that.

"I have. You were right. She is diligent," Stephen said with a smile. The both men walked to me. Prince stood at my side while Stephen was at our front. "Is she a friend to you?"

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