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"Anita, breathe! Calm down, please" Titi begged.

Chi-girl rubbed my back as I sat on the floor, my eyes moist with tears. Josie rushed to my side with a cup of water.

"Pass my phone," I said still staring at nothing. Josie placed my phone on my palm and I rewatch the news displayed on my phone. "I need to get to Abuja".

"First, calm down," Titi voiced.

"No!" I screamed. "My sister is fighting for her life and you say I should calm down".

"How about you go over to your parents' house and calm them down. Don't you think they saw the news too?"

I paused and thought about it. "You're right!" I sprung to my feet. The image of my sister being rushed into an emergency room drained my blood and suddenly everything spun around me. I staggered and fell to the ground.


"Anita," a voice whispered to me. "Open your eyes, angel".

The voice registered into my head and his smell– pure maleness, flooded my nostrils. His palm rested on my forehead and he caressed my face. The warmth engulfed me and my eyes fluttered open. "Anita," he whispered.

I looked around me and took in a long breathe. "I fainted, didn't I?"

"Yes" he nodded.

I sighed and rose to a sitting position. "I need to book a flight but first, I need to meet my parents". My body was weak but my mind and soul were ready to fight. Kate should better stay away from me or else things will be bloody. Prince placed his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down, angel. You are having a fever".

"I do?" I placed my hand on my neck. My body was burning. "Wow! Who cares. I need to see my sister. I'll just take some medicine".

"Okay but I'll take you to your parents' place," he proposed and helped me to my feet. "Calm down, please. I'm sure your sister will be fine".

"She was stabbed, Prince. How can I calm down?" I snapped.

He clamped his lips together and nodded. "Let's go".

We rushed out of my flat and headed to his car. Fortunately, my roommates had packed my bags for me. My first destination was to my parents' house. The drive was long but we got there later in the day. My morning was spoilt today when I watched the news. I'm glad I did. So this is Kate's true color? A monster!

The moment Prince drove into my family's compound, I hopped out of the car. I raced into the house and found my parents sitting in the living room. The air was tensed. Sadness hovered around them. It also clouded their eyes which were swollen. I sighed and rushed to them. I embraced them so tight that it felt like I wanted to crawl into them. My mom's body raked as she sobbed.

"I had a dream days ago, Anita. I saw your sister lying on a bed with blood around her. I was running to her but my hands were chained to a door. I told your dad and we prayed against it. I can't believe this, Anita. Your sister was stabbed. She's fighting for her life and there is nothing I can do. I'm scared. I can't lose my daughter. She is too young to die".

"Mom, I can't tolerate this negativity" I scolded. I have to be the strong one. "Naomi will be alright. I know that. She's a fighter. She won't leave us. I know that. Dad, she won't leave us right?"

My dad stared as if he had seen a ghost. His bloodshot eyes bored at me and he shrugged.

"Mom! Dad! This is what you will do for me. You will stay in Lagos and pray. Pray very hard please. I'm going to Abuja. Naomi will survive. I promise you that. Your daughter will be alive. You'll attend her wedding. You'll play with her children and you will rejoice with her in all her achievements".

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