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Secretly, I was peeping and searching for Mr Handsome amongst the crowd. Soon, disappointment washed over me.

Was Josie playing a prank on me? Why can't I see the guy?

I gave up on my search and decided to get a drink from the bar at the corner of the hall. Few steps away from the bar, a young man popped at my front. He had long dreadlocks that stopped above his shoulders, four gold chains dangling on his tattooed neck and rings at his fingers. He bounced on his heels and licked his dark lips. He reeked of alcohol as he said, "What's up babe?"

I rolled my eyes and moved to the side so I could have a clear way to leave. When I took a step, he hopped at my front. "Excuse me! I need to get a drink at the bar!"

"Ah! Fine girl! Wetin be your name na?" he said huskily and tugged on his sagging ripped jeans.

"Call me whatever you wish," I replied calmly. He was drunk and I didn't want to annoy a drunk man.

"Abba! You no get name? Tell me na. Fine girl!" he said, his eyes sweeping lustfully at my body. He licked his lips again and I felt like puking.

I took a step backwards. I was ready to escape and get myself mixed up with the group. He won't notice me. I narrowed my eyes at him and slowly took another step backwards. His brows rose when he noticed my action and he drew nearer.

"Why you dey run from me, my baby? I no get gun for my hand. No poison. No weapon. I'm a good guy" he voiced and took more steps towards me.

I turned at once and my face slammed into the chest of an individual. I staggered backwards and felt a drink being spilt on my shoulder.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there," a deep voice yelled over the music.

Before I could look up at his face, someone gripped my waist from behind me. I jerked and squirmed out of his hold.

"Stay with me. I will make you happy," the drunk man said and held my hand.

My brows creased and I snarled, "I'm not interested. Let go of my hand".

"Come with me, baby" he insisted and tugged at my hand. "I need you!"

I scrunched my face. "Let..."

I was interrupted when a deep voice behind me said, "That's enough! Let go of her hand".

The drunk man eyed him and hissed, "Mtchew! Who you be!"

My eyes went round when Mr Handsome appeared at my side. He gripped the hand of the drunk fellow and squeezed his wrist till he let go. The drunk man grimaced and dropped my hand. He pushed Mr Handsome aside and trod off.

I feel like a girl being saved by a prin....What am I saying? I feel like slapping myself right now.

I brushed off the thought and said, "Thank you!"

"That's my way of apologizing for spilling drink on you," he replied with a shrug.

"Oh!" I exclaimed and noticed the liquid that had rolled down my shoulder and soaked my pink off-shoulder top. I wiped it with my hand and the smell of alcohol tickled my nose.

Beer? Why would Mr Handsome be drinking? Alcohol is not good!

"Here! You can use this," he suggested and handed me his handkerchief.

I took it and wiped my shoulder and top.

"Is that beer?" I asked.

He glanced at the glass cup and then, at me. "Yes! Why did you ask?"

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now