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My mom set Prince's food on a tray and then she forced me to serve him. I carried the tray and a wide smile leapt to her face.

My mom have started this her matchmaking act again.

We both left the kitchen and met my father and Prince chatting wholeheartedly. The smile on my dad's face and the energy that bubbled in him had revealed to me that Prince had passed my dad's test.

How he won my dad's heart? I do not know.

I placed the tray in front of Prince and our eyes locked. He sent his charming smile at me and I lost my breathe. Rather than smile back, I frowned.

'Why?' you may ask. That's because I've fallen for him and he may just be taking me as a friend. Normally, guys fall for me. I'm a beautiful lady, you know. However, Prince is different. So I am worried.

I sat on my chair to continue my meal. Unfortunately, my chair was just beside Prince. I decided to dismiss my fearful heart and to have a nice chat with my family,...and Prince.

Then, my dad just had to throw in a bombshell amongst us. He asked, "You like my daughter abi na? You must be dating!"

"Hmm ....." Prince turned his gaze to me, awaiting my reply.

"We are...hmm...just friends!" I responded.

I don't want to get their hopes up. Before they will start thinking marriage is drawing near. I know that my relationship with Prince is just a contract that will end after three months so I don't want to get carried away by that.

"No na! Just friends? How come?" my mom asked. "Prince is a nice man. Give him a chance".

"Do you like my daughter?" my dad asked Prince.

Prince sent a 'help me' look to me and I quickly stepped in. "Mum! Dad! Stop asking these questions. Allow him to enjoy his food or should I pack my things and go? You know he came here to pick me up. We will go oo".

"No na. Ah ahan! Finish your food first," My mom gushed out.

My dad wasn't convinced. He cocked a brow as he waited for Prince's reply.

Prince cleared his throat. "I like her as a friend!"

"Yes! Exactly!" I burst out. My dad nodded and he proceeded to eat his food. As for my chest, it ached.

'I like her as a friend,' It rang in my head ehhh.

Prince brought a topic about how much he loves food with a lot of pepper and that's how the tension in the room subsided. We finished our meal and I packed my bag ready to leave home.

How sad! My life is so stressful when I'm away from home. To be sincere, I need someone to lean on and tell all my problems. Someone I can depend on for emotional support. Those people have been my parents and sister but I've stopped bothering them with my problems.

I got to Prince's car and placed my belongings in the car boot. After that, I met my family at the living room where I bade them goodbye. I hugged them both and  then, I started imagining the stress I would soon go through at work. My smile immediately disappeared when I recalled the truth of my life. I don't have a work right now. That stupid doctor that I was under falsely blamed me for an accident that happened during a patient's surgery.

Na wa oo! I have problems waiting for me at work. And those my mumu flatmates said it's my turn to go to the market, cook, wash plate and sweep the apartment. They intentionally left all the work for me. No wahala na.

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