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Good day, guys😘❤❤ I want to give shout out to some readers who left the title of their books in the comment box of my last update.

_Mayowa_ Sincerely, you have to check out her book, 'For Broken Ears'. It's captivating in its own way. Not your regular cliche and it has a message to pass across. I enjoyed it and I hope you will too. She's an upcoming writer.❤❤

aleehats. I also read her book called 'Busayo Bello'. It's also intriguing. The plot is touching but that's the amazing part of it. I hope you'll create time to check it out. She's an upcoming writer. I hope you can also encourage her works. ❤❤❤

Thanks for reading the above.

However, if you are a book cover designer. Please signify 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Some upcoming writers need book covers but I don't know who to recommend to them. Signify so they can easily identify you. Let's encourage and build our fellow Nigerian writer😘❤


"Can I ask you something?" he asked and batted his lashes.

"What?" I rolled my eyes.

"Who's Steven?"

Bam! Bam! Bam!

It was only my heart beat I could hear in the silence.

"Who's Steven? Why is he intruding in your life?" Prince quizzed.

A smile leapt to my features. "You got the word right. He's intruding in my life".

"Who is he?"

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" I asked and returned to the bench. He had his phone close to him so I could see his exact expression and how his lips were pressed into a thin line.

"Yeah!" he forced the words out.

"How was it?"

"Horrible! The girl got obsessed and after two years, she came to my house claiming that I got engaged to her," he chuckled. "Crazy bad luck".

"Oh!" I voiced and stayed silent. "Amarachi, right?"

"Who else will it be but that mad woman?!" he burst into laughter.

"Wait! You haven't date anybody but Amarachi?" I screamed in pure shock.

He placed a hand on his ear. "Yes! You don't have to scream though".

"Are you mad? Why didn't you date?"

He chuckled, "Are you saying this because I'm good-looking?"

"Yes! You are handsome so why are you single?"

"Can't I chose to be single?"

"Are you a virgin?"


"You are lying!"

"I take my Christian life seriously and also there is STD"

"Guyyyyy, you are a big liar!"

"Are you a virgin?"


"You are a big liar!"

"Ah!" I frowned. "What's wrong with you? I am a virgin".

"You are beautiful na. If I am handsome and you don't believe I am a virgin. Then I can't trust you one bit. You're way too hot to be a virgin."

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now