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Prince scooted closer to me on the couch. He placed the paper on my thigh and asked, "Are you going to sign it?"

I raised a finger to signal that he waits and I did my best to read the information. I lost interest at the first words and skimmed through.

I'm not a fan of reading contracts, files or letters. It bores me. I don't know why!

When I saw my name, I paused. My full name was boldly written. My first, middle and last name. His names were also written.

"Obinna?" I inquired. "Your middle name?"


I nodded. "Can you explain to me what you wrote here?"

"We will be dating for two months. I hope that's okay with you?"

"It is!"

"I will also perform my role as your boyfriend in your life. If you need support, both financially or emotionally, I will offer it to you. I will be there for you if you need me. You, on the otherhand, have to help me get rid of Amarachi. I don't know how you plan of doing it but I want her out of my life. If you need a comforting hug, I will offer it to you. I'm your boyfriend after all. If you need someone to talk to, call me. If...".

I cut in, "But I don't have your number!"

"Oh!" he exclaimed and pulled his phone out. "Type yours. Where is your phone?"

I gave my phone to him and he typed his number.

I saved my number in his contact as Awesome Anita. The moment he saw it, his mouth curved to a smile. "Are you really awesome?"


"Nah! I don't see it. I will save your number as Weird Angel"

I gasped and tried to snatch his phone. He swiftly rose to his feet and tapped on his screen. "Saved!" he said and smirked. "Weird Angel! I like that".

I sprung to my feet and snatched his phone. When I saw his phone was locked and required password, I groaned.

He chortled.

I eyed him and dropped his phone on the couch. I picked mine up and announced as I typed on it, "I shall save Prince's number as...Mr Handsome!"

He cocked a brow. "I expected worst! Thanks for the nice nickname!" he said and winked.

"Actually! I change my mind. I will save your name as Idiot!"

He had an amazed look on his face. "You are joking, right?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I asked. "Come and see for yourself". I showed him and instead of frowning, he smiled.

"I have no problem with that. In fact, I'm happy that I have met a woman who doesn't pretend to be perfect or modest. You aren't even trying to make me fall in love with you. You even acknowledge my good looks rather than pursue it. I like that," he disclosed with a satisfied smile.

I flipped my imaginary long hair and with an air of confidence, I voiced, "I told you that I am a precious gem!"

He shook his head and sat down.

"Admit it jor!"

"I just see a woman not a precious gem!" he said and smirked when he saw I took offense of his words. "Don't cry, Angel?"

"Do I look like I'm crying?" I snorted.

"Okay! Back to the contract!" he postulated.

A mischievous smirk played on my lips as I asked, "Yeah! About this contract...What if I want a kiss?"

His Signed Up BabeWhere stories live. Discover now