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"Open the door. I want to see her. I want to see the drama she wants to act out. This will be fun," I mumbled. He rose to his feet amd unlocked the door.

Eyes flashed with pure anger rested on Prince and then, met mine. I rose from the ground and sent an equally fierce glare at her. In a twinkle of an eye, she ran to me and a hard slap kissed my cheek. My face turned to the side and I placed my palm on my cheek.

Wow! She actually dared. Well I asked for drama and I should definitely put on a good show.

Whatever angry glare she sent to me could not be compared to my eyes that blazed like a fierce fire. I looked at her and my lips quirked up. Okay! Let's give her a taste of her own medicine.

I gave her two times the slap she gave me. It was by far more harder. My palm kissed her right cheek and I gave her a backhand slap on the left.

According to all the people I know, my slaps are always painful. Hehe!

Amarachi gasped and rubbed her cheeks. I could see her eyes burn with tears. She didn't let them out instead she lunged and charged at me. She gripped my hair and pulled it as if to do a tug of war. I winced and gripped hers too. I pulled like my life depended on it.

"Leave my man alone!" she screamed and shook my head. A handful of my braids still in her hands.

"Let go of her, Amarachi. What's wrong with you?" Prince yelled and pushed Amarachi away from me. This freed my hair and I took it as a opportunity to inflict pain on her. She must regret attacking me. I kicked her ankle and punched her belly.

Score point for me! Men, I have to thank all those my male friends that used to join me to do playful wrestling match. Yeah! I always fight them but it's always the playful kind.

"Aargh!" Amarachi growled and scratched my neck with her long artifical nails. She gripped my neck and bellowed, "You will pay for doing this to me. How dare you? Do you know who I am?"

"Yes! Amarachi, deal with her. That woman doesn't know her place. Fight for your man!" Prince's sister cheered as soon as she arrived. His mother had an encouraging smile directed to Amarachi.

I gripped her hands that were on my neck and twisted them till she let go. Prince coiled his arms around my waist and lifted me up. When Amarachi swung her fist to hit me, he gripped it and tossed her away. She fell to the ground and glared at me. Prince carried me to his balcony. When my legs touched the ground, he released my waist and stomped towards Amarachi. He grasped her wrist, pulled her to her feet and took her out of the room. He slammed his door at his family's face and groaned.

My heart pounded against my ribcage and my chest rose and fell with my deep intake of breath. My blood still boiled with anger and my scalp was aching. She really pulled my hair so hard. It hurts. I ran my fingers through my black braids and winced. I sat on the bed and stared at the ground as I tried to catch my breathe.

The bed dipped beside me and I looked up to meet Prince's gaze. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Show me," he voiced.

I shook my head. "No! I'm okay"

His brows drew down and he scowled. "There is a mark on your neck. She scratched you. What's wrong with her? Is she an animal?"

I shrugged. His fingers caressed the spot on my neck and I cringed. It actually stung. "Is there something I can apply to heal it? I have a first aid kit in my room".

"Don't worry! It's just a small injury. I know what to apply that will make it better"

He sighed and looked at me through his long lashes. "I'm sorry. I'm extremely sorry about Amarachi's attitude and hostility towards you. I know you signed our contract to help me get rid of her but you didn't sign to get hurt and now, you are. I feel guilty that I'm the reason behind this. I'm so sorry".

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