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To all my readers that sent messages and comments for me to update, I truly appreciate. Thank you. Don't mind me. Sometimes I just don't have time to write so I have to create time to do so and when I see your requests for an update, it pushes me to try harder. Thanks.❤️❤️❤️

°•°Prince's POV°•°•

"I am ashamed of you," Freddy hissed and flopped down on my bed, maintaining a sitting posture. I cocked a brow as I regarded him. He jerked his head up, "Yes! I am ashamed of you".

I hesitated but asked, "Why?"

"You said you like Anita, right?"

"I more than just like her, I think I love her. I adore her"

"Are you sure about that?" his brows creased.

"I'm new to this feelings but I know I feel something strong for her"

"That's why I said that I'm ashamed of you," he pressed his lips together and clamped his hands on his thigh.

"Because I have feelings for her?"

"No! Because you are not brave enough to win the woman you adore. You rather run away. I am disappointed, Prince".

My head dropped and I let out a sigh. Freddy rose and exclaimed, "You are a Prince and from all the stories I have seen, Princes never give up. They are selfless but they always fight for what and whom they love. For instance, Cinderella's Prince"

I stared at the young man in front of me in disbelief. Is he taking examples from fairytales? Fairytale and Reality are two different worlds. This Freddy is quite a character.

"Cinderella's Prince carried her glass slipper everywhere till he found her," Freddy said with an air of confidence while suppressing his laughter. "Also, Sleeping beauty's Prince! He fought a dragon".

"Umm...." I trailed off. "Am I supposed to learn something form that?"

"Yes! You are Anita's Prince and I know a woman like her would really love her Prince to fight for their relationship. I can see she's trying to fight but are you?"

I felt the weight of guilt on me and dropped my head.

"I am not saying this to discourage you," he came to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I see that you are a good guy. I think you deserve my sister-in-law".

I rose my head. "In-law?"

"Yeah! Encouraging you just motivated me to take a big step".

"What step?"


"Wow! I'm proud of you" I smiled.

"Thanks" He replied with a smirk. "I dare not let a wonderful woman like Naomi slip from my hands".

"You really love her, don't you?"

"Yes!" he exclaimed and his eyes lit up with admiration. "She's my better half and the best woman for me. I know your strange old man..."

I cut in, "Dad! He is my dad".

"Whatever! That old man sure has a way of controlling you".

My heart plunged and I heaved a sigh.

"How can he tell you women are the cause of men's downfall? What's wrong with him? Is his wife the cause of his downfall? If women are the cause of downfall, then so is his mother".

My mouth literally dropped as I stared at Freddy. "That's my dad you are talking about like that"

"I have to talk. The old man doesn't know anything. Just as how there are good men and bad ones so are their women who might have bad personalities. Indeed, some can cause a person's downfall but that is not a reason to generalize every woman. One thing I know is that women are special. God created them to be our companion and if you choose the right woman for yourself, you'll be the happiest man alive. Trust me when I say this".

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