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"Bye, girls. Have fun and stay safe, okay? And tell Arthur and Molly I say hello."

"Will do, Dad."

"Bye, Dad."

I look over to my sister Penelope, a bright smile on my face. There's nothing that I love more than spending time at the Burrow. To be completely honest, I feel more at home there than I do at my own home, and it'd been that way ever since I spent the summer there after first year.

But now, it's the summer before sixth year, and for the first time, my older sister Penelope is headed to the Burrow with me, because she's been dating Percy Weasley (something that me and my best friends - the twins - absolutely love to tease them about), and because we're both attending the Quidditch World Cup later in the summer with the whole family. She was invited by Percy, of course, and it was a given that the twins would bring me.

"You go ahead," Penelope says, picking up her bag and nodding towards the fireplace, "I'll meet you there."

I pick up my own bag, grabbing a handful of floo powder in my left hand and holding the strap of my bag in my right. Penny helped me charm it to fit all my clothes for the rest of the summer (because I can't use magic outside of school for another few months), but it's still way too heavy.

"You just wanna show off to Percy how well you can Apparate," I say, slightly bitter that I still have to use the Floor Network.

"You're just jealous that you can't Apparate yet. And that you can't show off for George. Or Fred. Or whatever twin that you have a crush on."

"I don't-" I cut myself off, choosing to ignore her instead. It's true: I've had a huge crush on George for years now, but Penny doesn't need to know that. Nobody knows, actually, not even Fred. Especially not Fred, because I know that he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from George. I love the twins, and we usually always tell each other most things, but I've learned over the years that Fred can't keep his mouth shut to save his life. That's why my feelings for George have always been my biggest secret, and I'm planning on keeping it that way for a while, for several reasons.

"The Burrow!" I announce loudly, tossing the floo powder into the fireplace and stepping into the flames. Almost instantly, I'm transported to my destination, a sensation that I'm used to by this point after years of coming here. Coughing loudly amongst the smoke, I step out of the Weasley's fireplace.

"Katie! You're here!"

"Hey, Gin!" I say, dropping my bag on the floor with a thunk and pulling her into my arms. Ginny is the younger sister that I never had, and growing up with all brothers, Ginny welcomed me into the family immediately. Even with a sister of my own, Penny and I have never been very close, so I'm very thankful for Gin, especially when I need a break from the twins. And trust me, as much as I love to spend time with them, I do need the occasional break. Sometimes it's nice to be able to have "girl-talk" with Ginny, as well as Hermione, whenever she visits over the holidays.

"Fred and George haven't shut up about you coming," Ginny says, stepping back and tossing her long, fiery red hair over her shoulders, "which is why I'm surprised they weren't camped out at the fireplace waiting for you."

I snicker. "Sounds about right. Where are they, anyway?"

"Is that Clearwater I hear?"

I start at the voice, coming from the stairs, but grin when its owner rounds the corner and holds out his arms.

"Charlie! I didn't know you'd be here already!" I exclaim, running into his arms. He picks me up, spinning her around, and I giggle as I hold on to him tightly. The last time that I had seen him was right before he left for Romania, right after he graduated, so about three years ago or so. I first met him at school, because we went to school for two years together, and we got along perfectly right away. Not to mention that the fact that I had a small crush on him after meeting him, before I realized my feelings for George, of course.

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