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The rest of the weekend passes uneventfully, despite Bell making eyes at George from across the table during almost every meal. George and I are back to normal, thankfully, and I hang out with the twins and Lee pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday, helping them plan out more products for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

I write Remus at the end of the Sunday, telling him all about the Quidditch World Cup and the upcoming Tournament. I also ask him if he would hypothetically have any advice for someone who happened to fancy their best friend, and Tuesday morning, I'm glad to see not only one, but two letters dropped in front of me at breakfast.

I recognize Remus's handwriting on the first one, but the second one has Miss Katie Clearwater written across the envelope in unfamiliar handwriting. Despite my curiosity, I carefully open Remus's letter first, looking forward to read what he has to say. I really do miss being able to drop by his office at any time like I did last year, for homework help, or just to vent about my day. He was always there to listen to me, and quickly became a sort of therapist for me. I would say a father figure, but I would consider him more of a cool uncle, if anything.


It's good to hear from you. I did read about the incident at the Quidditch World Cup, and Sirius had told me that Harry was going with the Weasleys, so I assumed you were there, too. I'm glad you all are alright.

As for the Triwizard Tournament, that's exciting news! I agree with your friends - I think that you definitely have an incredibly high chance of being chosen. You've got the makings of a great Champion.

And your last question... I had to laugh a bit, because I have to admit that I was in a very similar situation at your age. I would say your best bet is to not wait for him to make a move first, and just go for it, because you never know how long you'll be waiting. Especially if he's waiting for you to make a move first, then you'll never get anywhere. It is definitely scary to make that first move, but it's very much worth it in the end. Trust me.

I look forward to hearing from you again.


I smile to myself as I fold up the letter, making a mental note to ask him more about his own situation. I then turn my attention to the other letter, opening it as quickly as I can and unfolding the parchment.

Miss Clearwater,

I apologize for not getting back to you until now, as well as not replying to your six other letters.

I was not aware of the fact that I paid you in leprechaun gold. Unfortunately, I am unable to pay you and Mr. and Mr. Weasley back as of now. 

I am a very busy man, because as you now know, the Triwizard Tournament is taking place at Hogwarts this year. Please do not write again.

Best regards,

Ludo Bagman

"Get a load of this shit," I say, and both Fred and George lean over from either side of me, reading over my shoulders.

"Unable to pay us back?" Fred says, as George reads off, "Please do not write again? What the hell?"

I push the letter into Lee's hands, who's sitting across from us with Roger and Angie. They all read the letter, and have very similar reactions.

"Hell, no. Does he think you're going to be satisfied with that?" Lee scoffs, "Also, that's total bullshit, that he didn't know. He totally knew. He's just playing dumb."

"Exactly," George says.

Fred shakes his head, his eyebrows pulling together in frustration. "Whatever. George, we should write him, too."

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