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Disclaimer: This chapter contains sexual content for mature audiences

I can't remember the last time that a meal has been so painfully awkward for everybody. Though knowing this friend group, it's been recently.

I take it upon myself to try and lighten the mood by talking about what I think the Second Task could be, and much to my relief, both of the twins - along with Angie and Alicia - humor me and chime in with their guesses.

But then there's Roger and Lee.

I was honestly surprised that Roger showed up to lunch, but I suppose the need for food became too much, because here he sits, across from me and next to Angelina, completely, utterly silent as he stares down at his food.

Lee sits across from Fred and on Angelina's other side, equally as silent, but stealing glances at Roger when he can, despite Roger refusing to look at him.

And then there's Ron, a few people down, sitting with Harry, Hermione, and Neville, but staring down George and I, his eyes flicking to Fred on occasion. Ron had taken to Fred's defense last night after catching us, telling us it was shitty to keep our relationship from him - which initially, for some reason, George tried to deny, even though we'd just been caught kissing. Harry had just shrugged, unbothered, and told us he wouldn't say anything to anyone, but Ron wasn't happy. George had to practically beg him not to tell anyone.

And by the looks of it, he still isn't happy with either of us, but at least he's being quiet about it.

For now.

And then there's Fred, blissfully unaware. He poked me in the side when I sat down next to him at the beginning of lunch and asked me if Roger was okay and told me that Lee told him what had happened. I feel bad for Roger that everyone in our immediate group knows now, except for the girls, because he's clearly uncomfortable with it, but at least nobody has said anything.

I try to leave lunch with him, but he waves me off, speaking for the first time all morning, and tells me that he's just going out to the pitch to get some practice throws in. Feeling somewhat defeated, I sit back down, watching as he leaves the Great Hall.

"What's going on?" Alicia asks from Lee's other side, not meaning any harm, but I shake my head at her in a kind of warning, and she immediately gets the hint.

"Alicia and Bell and I were talking last night," Angie pipes up, mostly to fill the silence, "about how we should bring back night time Quidditch when the weather starts getting nicer again."

Fred looks up eagerly. "Can we? I miss Quidditch. I'm having withdrawals from knocking Katie off of her broom. Oh, and seeing the look on her face when she loses."

I smack his arm, and he just laughs, but I tell Angelina that I would love to.

We started it two years ago, somehow, when we were fourth years with absolutely no authority whatsoever, but everyone liked the idea (except for Percy, once he found out, who proceeded to sit us down and inform us of every school rule we were breaking). Basically, after dark, a group of us would meet on the pitch and split up into teams to play Quidditch. We'd choose captains, and anybody could play any position that they wanted. I suppose everyone's just been distracted with the Tournament this year, but I definitely miss it, too. It got bloody and brutal at times, but that's part of the fun, of course.

"We can probably get away with starting in March," Alicia suggests, "Near the end, if the weather's okay. Maybe April, though."

The twins look at each other, and I know exactly what they're thinking. Because April isn't just any month to them; it's going to start off with not only their seventeenth birthday, but also, their all-time favorite holiday, in which nobody in this bloody school is safe for an entire twenty-four hours: April Fools' Day. It's a double whammy, and it honestly becomes quite terrifying. I suppose it's only fitting that their birthday lands on the holiday that most fits their personalities, though.

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