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After I tell Roger about the broom cupboard situation during our rounds that night, he has some choice words for me, calling me a dumbarse for not kissing George right then and there, and I can't say that I disagree with him.

Fred, George, and Lee end up getting caught from our attack on the Slytherin dorms, but not until after a few of them end up in the hospital wing with enlarged tongues. The boys end up in detention with McGonagall, but leave me out of the explanation of what happened, which is usually how our pranks go.

But I have to say, seeing the Slytherin boys walking through the halls with tongues as large as their bodies made the whole thing entirely worth it.

Also, during the week, I write back to both Remus and Ludo Bagman, with Fred and George both writing to Bagman, as well.

Other than that, it's a normal week, complete with Bell being increasingly annoying, and everyone growing more and more excited about the arrival of the other schools and the Tournament as it approaches. A few weeks later, once October rolls around, Dumbledore lets us know that the we can submit our names for the Tournament either on the evening of the thirtieth, the day that the schools arrive, or the morning or afternoon before the drawing of names take place on Halloween.

"Well, we can't let that get in the way of our Halloween party. After all, if Katie's Champion, that's just more to celebrate, isn't it?" Lee says one day at dinner. There's still a few weeks, but they like to plan early, especially when it comes to Halloween or our birthday parties.

"You realize there's no guarantee that I'm going to be Champion, right?" I remind him, "Like, sure, I reckon I've got a good chance, but-"

"Stop being humble," Fred interrupts me, holding up his hand dismissively.

"Yeah," George agrees, "What's happened to I'm the best at everything Katie?"

I smirk at him. "Oh, she's still here. I'm just saying-"

"Well," Lee cuts me off, "We don't want you to. So shut it and let us plan."

I flip him off before taking a sip of my pumpkin juice, listening as they start to throw out ideas for our Halloween costumes. Every year since we met, we've coordinated our costumes, which everyone else has always made fun of us for, but I think it's fun.

Lee suddenly gasps dramatically. "I know! Ghostbusters!"

"Oh, Merlin," Angelina says, overhearing and laughing to herself, "Only you four."

Lee, while also introducing us to Muggle music, has also introduced us to many, many movies over the years, Ghostbusters being one of them. I honestly can't believe we haven't thought of the idea before.

"Absolutely," Fred immediately agrees, "I reckon I can pull off a jumpsuit."

"Not as well as I can," George says, smirking, and I mentally agree with him.

Lee ignores them, completely used to their occasional banter about who's the better looking twin. "We'll invite the kids from the other schools. Show 'em what a Hogwarts party is like. That means that it has to be good."

I think back to our last party. It'll be good as long as it goes better than that one, that's for sure.

"Where are we going to get the costumes, though?" George asks.

Lee grins. "Don't you worry, Georgie. I have my sources."

George and I exchange a look, neither of us knowing what that means, but we've learned by now not to question Lee most of the time. I watch as George's lips curve into a smile, and I think back to the broom cupboard. Not that I've stopped thinking about it since it happened, with a mix of wanting to be that close to George again like that and regretting the fact that I didn't make a move.

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