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Fucking terrible.

That's how I feel when I wake up.

But it's Christmas, and that has to count for something, right?

After showering and getting dressed in a new sweater from Mrs. Weasley, I set off to find Roger, who - to my surprise - is already dressed and in the common room. His head shoots up from the book he's reading as I walk in, and he smiles at me hesitantly as he closes his book.

"Happy Christmas," he says, "You feel older yet?"

"If feeling older equals feeling like shit," I answer, rubbing my aching forehead, "then I feel years older."

Roger grins, and I can't help but return his smile as I sit down next to him on the couch, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. I sigh deeply.

"What happened last night?" I ask, "I don't remember much after I came to find you."

After George left, I remember wiping away my tears and heading down to find Roger, who was with Fleur. I felt bad for interrupting their conversation, but considering it was clear to both of them that I was in distress, Roger offered to get me another drink, and as he did, I accidentally ended up pouring my heart out to Fleur, who listened to me attentively, stroking my hair back from my face.

I remember her telling me that I'm far too pretty to be crying over a boy like that, but if I really cared for him that much, that I needed to go and show him what he was missing.

Roger informs me that I went off with Fred and Lee after that, and he tells me with a huge grin that he's not sure what I did for the rest of the night, because he was off snogging Fleur.

I gape at him. "You did not."

"Oh, I so did," he says, "It was amazing. Like, I think I died and went to heaven for a little while there."

I tell him I'm proud of him, ignoring the little twinge of jealousy at how much better Roger's night went. I think he notices, because his smile fades slightly, and he ruffles my hair.

"C'mon, you wanna get breakfast? I'll help you get ready later, too, if you want. I'm at your service today." He salutes me, and I smile and roll my eyes at him.

"You're a dork," I tell him, "but yes, please. I figured I'd start getting ready after lunch. My hair alone is probably gonna take a few hours."

"A few hours?" Roger says, and I can't help but laugh at his tone of disbelief. "Merlin."

"Hey," I say, following his lead as he gets up so that we can start heading down for breakfast, "It's not easy being this good-looking. Not that I'd expect you to understand."

Roger gapes at me, and I continue to laugh. Y'know what? I will have fun tonight, with Fred, Roger, Fleur, Lee, and Alicia. Fleur is right. I just need to show George what he's missing, and then maybe when he finally feels like talking to me, he'll tell me what the hell has been going on with him.


When we get to the Great Hall, my stomach churns when I notice that two people are missing from our group.

"Where's George?" I ask, as nonchalantly as possible, as I sit down next to Fred. I glance up, across the table, towards Alicia and Angelina, and the empty spot next to them.

Is he with her?

"Reckon he went off somewhere to sulk," Lee pipes up, and I shoot him a grateful look, knowing that he knew what I was wondering, "Woke up this morning and barely spoke to either of us, and then he disappeared."

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