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"Rise and shine, lovebirds."

I groan and open my eyes, taking a moment to remember where I am. It feels like I just finally fell asleep a few minutes ago, but there's sunlight streaming into the tent now, and I hear noises of people moving around in the other room, as well as the slight squeaking of Fred shifting around in the bunk above.

I sit up, looking down at George first, who's still fast asleep. We apparently moved closer at some point during the night, because while he's still laying on his side, facing me, his arm is wrapped loosely around my waist. I smile to myself as I move my gaze up to Charlie, who was the one who woke me up.

He shifts his eyes down to George before looking back at me, raising his eyebrows as if to say, what's this?

I push my tongue against my cheek as George starts to stir, rolling over on to his back and covering his face with his arms as he groans loudly.

We'll talk later, I mouth to Charlie, who winks at me before leaving.

"C'mon, Georgie," I say, nudging him with my knee, "I think everyone else is already up."

"I don't care," George groans, his arms still covering his face, "They can be up. I don't wanna."

"Katie, is that you?" comes Fred's voice from the top bunk.

"Yeah," Charlie shouts from the other room before George or I can answer, "They slept together."

"What?" Both Fred - still in the top bunk - and Ron - who sounds like he's in the other room with Charlie - exclaim. Charlie starts cackling, and I know that my face is already bright red. I look at George, who has lowered his arms from his face, and he just grins at me.

"Sorry about him," I say, mostly just to say something.

"Why are you apologizing?" George continues to grin. "He's my brother."

"Good point." I push George's legs aside so I can crawl out of the bed. I look up at Fred, who's sitting cross-legged on his bunk, pulling a shirt over his head. He looks down at me, raising his eyebrows, and I swear that he looks slightly irritated.

"Not like that, you wanker," I tell him before leaving the bedroom. My backpack of clothes is still in the other tent, so I pass through the front room, flipping off Charlie before I leave. Mr. Weasley is standing out front, talking with Mr. Diggory and Cedric, both of whom look packed up and ready to head off. I give them both a wave before ducking into the second tent, where I find Ginny and Hermione. I hear the sink running in the bathroom, where Penelope must be.

"There you are!" Hermione says, "You disappeared last night. Ginny and I didn't know where you went off to."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I say as nonchalantly as possible, ducking down to unzip my backpack, "George and I ended up talking for a while, and then he let me share his bed so that I'd be more comfortable."

"Did he?" Ginny asks. I look up at her and raise an eyebrow, and she raises hers right back at me.


"Nothing," Hermione answers, exchanging a look with Ginny, "We've just, uh-"

"We've been wondering if there's something going on between you two," Ginny cuts in bluntly.

I look between the girls, and decide that there's no harm in telling them. I pull my clothes for the day out of my backpack before zipping my bag back up, mostly just stalling.

"There's not," I reply, which is true, but neither Hermione nor Ginny look pleased with this answer, so I continue, with more of the truth, "But, um, I do have feelings for him."

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