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Thirty-four days.

That's when the Apparition exam is, and I still haven't been able to Apparate into the hoop. Not to mention the fact that I can barely concentrate, seeing as I'm surrounded by four very hungover boys, one of whom is now-sober Fred who's gone back to barely speaking to George and I. I don't know if he remembers our short conversation last night, but I do, and that's what I'm holding on to to keep me sane and hopeful.

Roger tells me to be patient because it just happened yesterday. But then yesterday becomes two days ago, and then seven days, and then twenty, and then thirty-four. And while we get back on speaking terms, while he can look us both in the eye again, we're still not back to normal. No jokes, no pranks. 

Nothing more than what's absolutely necessary.

I can tell it's wearing on George, so I do my best to try and help distract him, but I know it's not working, because despite my position in his life, I'm not Fred. Nobody ever will match up to Fred's importance in his life, and I know that.

Because it's the same for me.

I have to push all that aside for a while, though, because the day of the Apparition exam arrives much quicker than I'd like. And with it being in the morning, Ludo Bagman reached out to all the Champions and told us to meet him out by the Quidditch pitch after dinner to discuss the Third Task, which is also approaching quickly. I know for a fact that both Madame Maxime and Karkaroff have been on edge and not at all happy about Harry and I still being tied for first, which has kept me on edge, too.

Not that I think Fleur or Krum would cheat, but...

Would they? To keep their headmasters happy?

But now,  I'm standing outside the Great Hall with the other eligible exam-takers. I wish I were in Lee, Alicia, or Roger's shoes right now; because none of them are seventeen yet, they'll be signed up for the exam date later in the summer, after their birthdays. But instead, I'm here with the twins, Cedric, and Angelina — and I'm confident all of them are going to pass with flying colors.

So what am I doing wrong?

"You'll do fine, Katie," Cedric says, trying his best to be reassuring. Despite my nerves, I have to stifle a laugh when George cuts a glance at him. "Just remember the three D's—"

"I know, I know," I sigh, but straighten up when the Great Hall doors open. Out walks the Slytherin boy who had gone in a few minutes before, looking smug. An older woman holding a clipboard leans out after him and calls, "Miss Kathryn Clearwater?"


George touches my arm as I start to walk away, giving me an encouraging nod. I swallow past the lump in my throat, fixing my gaze on the woman and trying my hardest to return her smile, clutching my hands together so hard that when I look down, I see my knuckles are turning white.

Destination, determination, deliberation.

I am determined to get to my destination.

As I stop in front of the staff table, which holds Dumbledore and some ministry officials who will determine whether or not I pass, I realize that Percy's amongst them. Not Crouch — just Percy, who looks like he's too busy acting important to return my gaze.

So where's Crouch?

But that's yet another thing I can't think about right now. Instead, I listen to the woman who let me into the Hall read off from her clipboard in a monotone voice, telling me what I have to do in order to pass, and that if I fail, I can come back for the summer test date with the others.

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