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The rest of the day is still slightly awkward, but I'm filled with a new sense of nervousness. I know that now that I've said it out loud, Roger is going to hold me to talking to George at the party.

But confessing to George goes hand-in-hand with turning down Fred, which I'm not nearly as excited about. Not that I'm necessarily excited about confessing to George; really, thinking about it just makes me nauseous.

I just can't help but wonder if Fred knew that I'd know that those scents were me. He had to assume that I'd figure it out eventually, right? Or that someone else would figure it out - like Roger - and tell me? Is he planning on making a move at the party? I hope not.

I spend Friday night with Roger, rifling through all the books we could find in the library on dragons, along with various different spell books, so that we can figure out the best possible approach for me, now that the First Task is only two and a half weeks away. We only really succeed in getting distracted, though, and end up talking about the party, George, Fred, and the Beauxbatons girl that Roger hopes to get with again.

Saturday morning, everyone seems to be in a better mood, and it's probably thanks to the party tonight. I try my best to give George extra attention during breakfast and lunch, and while he seems to be better than he was yesterday, I notice that he's still acting a bit off. But when I ask him if he's alright, he just brushes me off and says that he's fine, which is obviously a lie.

I start to doubt myself about confessing, but as Roger is helping me pick out an outfit just before the party, he assures me that my confession will clear up whatever George is upset about.

"Hair up or down?" I ask, holding my hair up for demonstration before letting it fall back down over my shoulders.

Roger tilts his head at me from his seat on the edge of my bed, narrowing his eyes slightly as he considers the options. This is exactly why I want his help picking out my dress for the ball. He's actually very helpful when it comes to this kind of stuff. He helped me decide on my outfit for the party, per usual: a mini skirt, paired with a low-cut tank top that hugs my body perfectly. He told me that George isn't going to be able to keep his eyes off of me tonight, and I hope that's true.

"Up," he answers, so I step into the bathroom to pull my hair up. I hear Roger's footsteps, and he stops in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe as he watches me. He looks quite good himself, in jeans and a black button-up with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.

"You nervous?" he asks, but we both stop and turn when we hear a shout from downstairs, followed by music starting to play, indicating that the twins and Lee have arrived to officially begin the party.

I nod, pushing the last pin into my hair, holding it up in a cute bun. I lower my hands, spinning around in the mirror to get one last look at myself, and I have to say, I look good.

"Yeah, I'm nervous," I say, "But at least I look hot."

Roger grins at me, looking me up and down in an observant way.

"You can thank your personal stylist for that," he teases me, and I playfully narrow my eyes at him, "But c'mon. Let's head down so that the guys can get a look at you."

I take one last look in the mirror, making sure my makeup is perfect and that my hair is intact, before following Roger out of my room and down the stairs. There's already quite a few people, but it's easy to spot the twins and Lee, who are stationed by the record player, which is blasting some Muggle music that I recognize, from the '80's.

I catch Lee's eye first, and he grins at me, giving me a thumbs-up with the hand that's not holding a bottle of butterbeer. He then looks at Roger, and I watch as he gives Roger a quick once-over, before quickly turning away. Interesting.

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