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I don't sleep well that night, tossing and turning as I stress about Moody having the map. Even with George's reassurance that he'll do whatever it takes to help get it back, I'm still on edge.

We snuck back into George's dorm room (after me winning the race, not to brag or anything), only to find Lee still awake and Fred gone. Lee said he wasn't sure where Fred disappeared to, but part of why I slept badly was being woken up from an already restless sleep at three in the morning by Fred coming back into the room. I was too exhausted to question it, Lee didn't wake up at all (which was expected), and if George said anything to him, I don't remember.

But now, it's six, and I'm the first one up, anxious to see if the Daily Prophet has arrived yet.

I let myself into the bathroom, using the spare toothbrush that I've started keeping around. Why I haven't started keeping a spare uniform in here so that I don't have to walk all the way back to my dorm in my pajamas, I don't know. I look at myself in the mirror, trying to adjust my bun so that I don't look like a complete disaster, when there's a soft knock at the door.

"Come in," I call through a mouthful of toothpaste, before leaning down to spit into the sink. The door opens slowly, revealing George, who leans against the doorway, looking at me with a small smile on his face. He has his uniform on - his shirt only half tucked in with a few buttons undone at the top, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and his tie slung around his shoulders - and his hair is still all messy from his bedhead.

"What's up?" I ask him, wiping the back of my hand across my mouth.

"Fred and Lee are still passed out, but I figured I'd walk you to your room so you can get changed. If you'd like the company, that is," George says, running a hand through his hair.

"I'd love the company," I tell him earnestly, and he smiles. On our walk is when I'll ask him about Fred. If I'm being honest, I really haven't talked to Fred much since the party, but it's not intentional. I suppose I should talk to him, so that he doesn't think I'm avoiding him or that I'm upset with him or anything.

Once I put my toothbrush away and George finishes getting ready for the day (including me making him take his Potions textbook, despite him claiming he "doesn't need it" 'cause he's got me, "the walking encyclopedia"), we start to head to my room.

"So," I begin, but George cuts me off.

"You're going to ask me about Fred, aren't you?"

"That predictable, am I?" I tease him, grinning, "but yeah. Can you tell me, or is it classified twin information?"

George shakes his head. "I figure he'll tell you and Lee, if not the entire Gryffindor table, too. He was with - get this - Alicia."

"What?" I reply, and George nods, pushing his tongue against his cheek, "What was he doing with Alicia at, like, two in the morning?"

"I think you can deduce that for yourself, K. Shocker, though, isn't it? I always thought he'd go for Angie, out of any of them. Or Bell."

I grimace at the mention of Bell, despite her not causing any problems for me in quite some time. Since George choosing to spend the Halloween party with me, she's seemed to keep mostly to herself, which I'm grateful for, but I can't be sure how long it'll last. Especially now that one of her best friends has apparently done at least something with Fred. And it's not like he's a virgin, so while it's not a big deal to anyone of us for him to be shagging someone, he's just always kept out of the friend group, to avoid any problems or awkwardness. At least I assume so, because I can understand the feeling.

But maybe this is a good thing. Maybe he's not trying to go after me, or whatever the hell he was trying to do before, anymore. And if he's over me, maybe I can finally tell him about George (admittedly, something I probably should have done a long time ago), and everything will be fine between all of us.

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