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Disclaimer: This chapter contains sexual content for mature audiences

He freezes, and panic fills me as I start to pull away, because maybe I did something wrong, maybe I interpreted everything wrong, maybe I-

But I've just barely pulled away when one of his hands comes to rest on the back of my head, pulling me to him, and his lips find mine again, and I'm kissing him like I've never kissed anyone in my life, all of the frustration and anger and desire and love coming out of me all at once, into this one kiss. His lips are warm and soft and everything I'd imagined, plus more, and the way he wraps his arms around me to hold me as close as possible in the freezing winter air sends the butterflies in my stomach crazy.

It's even better than I ever daydreamed about.

We finally pull back from each other, his hands on my arms, and mine sliding out of his hair to cup his neck as I rest my forehead against his, the words spilling out of my mouth before I can stop them:

"I love you."

He lets out what sounds to be a relieved laugh, sliding his hands up my arms, to cup my face, his fingers just as cold as my cheeks.

"Say it again," he almost whispers, and I pull back to look up at him, into his eyes, which hold a brightness I haven't seen in quite a while.

My lips curve up into a smile.

"I love you," I repeat, and George grins widely, just before leaning down to kiss me again, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me close to him again, so that I can feel his thundering heart beat, just as fast as my own.

"I love you," he replies, against my lips, brushing his nose against mine before he pulls away, his cheeks flushed from the cold. He steps back, leaning over to pick up his jacket, which he brushes off before wrapping it around me. "Now come on, let's get you inside before we both get hypothermia."

I let him guide me back into the castle, and I stop once we're just inside the doors to slip my heels off of my feet, which are bright red and numb. George takes the heels out of my hand without a word, taking my hand with his other. I press my teeth into my lower lip as I smile up at him. My cheeks are going to hurt from smiling so much by the time I go to bed tonight, that's for sure.

"If we go back to my room," George says, "we can use Incendio on my textbooks to keep warm."

"George," I say, slightly horrified, and he laughs, taking his hand away from mine, but only to wrap his arm around me and pull me close to his side as we walk. I lean against him, still feeling like I'm in a dream, but also feeling something new: a jittery excitement at the thought that we're headed to an empty dorm room.

"Can I ask what happened between you and Bell before you ditched?" I ask, because while the last person I want to think about right now is Bell, my curiosity is getting the best of me. That, plus the fact that I know now that the whole thing with her was just a diversion tactic so Fred wouldn't think George fancied me. And a bloody good one, too, considering he fooled me. Not that I'm going to tell him that.

George makes a noise of annoyance as we start up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, my feet still freezing on the cold, hard steps, but it's better than the heels. I lift the skirt of my dress up as I ascend the stairs, watching George as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I wasn't paying enough attention to her," he admits, "because I was so damn fixated on you and how beautiful you looked and how jealous I was that it was Fred you were with - which I know is my own fault," he adds, when I shoot him a look, "But anyway, she got upset, and I told her I wasn't feeling good, and I left."

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