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I wake up on one of the couches in the common room at eleven the next morning with a blinding headache, Roger on the floor next to me.

When I finally manage to shake him awake and ask him what happened the night before, he asks me what I remember.

I remember leaving my room, Lee and Roger on my heels, and heading straight for the drinks, ignoring the circle and the game. From there, everything gets blurry, because I only really remember downing firewhiskey after firewhiskey, anything to get the image of George kissing Katie Bell out of my mind.

Roger tells me that both of the twins tried approaching me throughout the night, but I ignored both of them every time. After that, apparently I tried going after a Durmstrang boy to snog him, but with the help of Lee, Roger stopped me, and I ended the night by puking my guts out in one of the bins before passing out on the couch.

When we finally make it down to lunch, it's terrible.

There's still a seat open for me between the twins, so I take it, and while Fred immediately leans over to tease me about looking like shit, George stays silent, not even talking to Bell, who seems to be undressing him with her eyes the entire meal.

I spend the rest of the day with Roger, and pretty much the rest of the week with Roger. Fred ended up cornering me in the owlery one day when I was mailing a letter back to Charlie (who told me to meet him in the Forbidden Forest the night before the First Task, which is soon), and asked me what was going on with me, and if I knew what was going on with George.

I lied straight to his face and told him that I was fine.

I wasn't lying, though, when I told him that I didn't know what was going on with George.

George wasn't exactly himself for a while after the party, and while now, just about two weeks later, things have returned closer to normal, there's still something awkward between us, and we haven't been alone since I almost confessed that I'm in love with him.

And I still can't look at him without picturing him kissing Katie Bell.

Today, though, is the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, so I more or less have to suck it up and put on my game face and pretend like he didn't break my heart that night, because he doesn't even know that he did, and I have to remind myself of that.

I haven't touched the map in weeks, either, because while I still want to figure out what's going on with Moody, there's not much I can do before seeing them in the same place, and plus, it just doesn't feel the same without George. Nothing really feels the same without George.

I see him everyday, but things just aren't the same.

And I miss my best friend.

"You ready, Goldie?"

I glare up at Roger, pulling on my second glove, as we walk the halls to meet Fred, George, and Lee by the entrance of the school, so that we can all walk to Hogsmeade together.

"Pick that up from Lee, did you?"

Roger grins.


I shake my head as I tug my hat further down on my head. Lee and I have talked a little bit more about his feelings for Roger since the party, but he hasn't done anything, and isn't planning on doing anything. Roger, on the other hand, has continued to flirt with the Beauxbatons girl - who I now finally know is named Adeline - but he's told me that he doesn't really want anything serious.

"Took you long enough!"

I look up to see Fred, George, and Lee, and I smile at Fred, who grins back at me. My eyes flit to George, who's leaning against the wall, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. We make immediate eye contact, but after a few seconds, he looks away, pushing himself off the wall.

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