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The first thing I notice when I wake up the next morning is how badly my head aches. Which was to be expected, I suppose, considering I soon lost track of how many drinks I had last night. The second thing that I notice is that I'm not in my bed, or in my dorm room. That's also a normal thing, considering whenever we've had parties in the Gryffindor common room before, I usually crash in the twins' and Lee's room.

When my eyes adjust to the light streaming in through the windows, I push myself up into a sitting position and look around. In the bed to my right is Fred, still passed out. He's shirtless; the covers lay at his waist, and I can't be sure that he's wearing anything under them. In the bed to my left is Lee, curled up in a ball with the covers pulled up to his chin, murmuring unintelligibly in his sleep.

So that means I'm in George's bed, but George himself is nowhere to be found.

I think back to last night as I get out of bed and walk quietly across the room to the bathroom. The last thing I remember after watching George walk over to Bell was downing a few more drinks and then feeling fine enough to go dance again, and while I remember the feeling of grinding against someone, I can't remember who it was.

I look at myself in the mirror once I close the bathroom door behind me, and it's only then that I really process what I'm wearing: a t-shirt that falls to my thighs that I recognize to be George's, and a pair of shorts that I also recognize to be George's. I flush as I wonder how I ended up out of my dress and into George's clothes. Other than that, my hair is an absolutely disaster, but funnily enough, my face is completely clear of any of my makeup from last night, even though I don't remember washing my face or anything. I suppose I did, though, and I mentally thank my blacked out self from last night, just as the bathroom door flies open.

It's Fred, and even though the door was very obviously closed, he looks surprised at the fact that the bathroom was occupied. I make the mistake of looking down, only to see that I was right, and that he wasn't wearing anything below the covers earlier.

"Merlin," I say, slapping my hand over my eyes, "Fred-"

"I'm going to be sick," he replies, entirely ignoring the fact that he has no clothes on and that I just saw him with no clothes on. I press myself up as close to the sink as possible so that he can pass me over to the toilet before I practically run out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. 

I have a feeling that I'm never going to be able to rid myself of the image of a completely naked Fred.

I scrunch up my nose as I hear him puking his guts out, glancing over at Lee, who is still sleeping soundly. At the end of George's bed, I find my heels, sitting neatly next to George's trunk, and on the trunk, my dress, which is folded up.

I wonder again where George is, and I get the sudden idea that maybe he's with Bell, which comes with a wave of nausea. Or maybe that's just the headache.

And then, of course, my mind goes back to Fred's naked body. Are they identical in all aspects? Because I certainly wouldn't mind if that's the case.

I hear the bathroom door open behind me, so I cover my eyes again.

"I forgot you were here," Fred says, in a very Fred way of apologizing. I hear his trunk opening, and I don't reopen my eyes until after I hear a zipper being pulled up. I then sit on the edge of George's bed, watching as Fred tugs a t-shirt over his head.

"It's alright," I tell him, "I have to be honest, I don't remember much of last night."

"I'm not surprised," Fred says, grinning, as he runs his brush through his hair, "You seemed pretty out of it. Especially when George was trying to help you get into bed."

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