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Fred and Lee appear by my side the second I walk through the Gryffindor common room entrance.

"Katie Katie Katie, you alright?"

"Roger never came back after he said he'd go to check on you-"

"We've been worried-"

"Are you sick?"


I laugh, wrapping each of my arms around their waists as I walk further into the common room. George had gone to the party first, while I had stopped back at my room to drop off my jacket before coming here. I keep my eyes peeled for him as I reassure both of them that I'm okay, and reassure Fred that no, I'm not dying.

I find him with Roger. He's perched on the armrest of the chair that Roger's sitting in, laughing at something, and my heart does a little flip as I take in the sight of him, as if I wasn't just with him less than ten minutes ago.

He looks at me, meeting my eyes before doing a quick once-over of me, his face breaking out into a grin, as if he wasn't just with me less than ten minutes ago.

"You want a drink, K?" Fred asks, leaning down from where he stands just behind my shoulder to talk in my ear.

"Not quite yet," I reply, looking up and back at him, "I don't know if my stomach can handle it."

Fred scoffs playfully, the corner of his mouth quirking up.

"Good," he replies, "I wasn't gonna get you anything anyway."

I hit his arm before he walks away, Alicia at his side almost as soon as he steps away from me.

"So," Lee says from behind me, as I watch Fred's hand rest on Alicia's lower back, "You gonna explain what you were doing with George earlier?"

I whip around to face him, only to see a mischievous smile on his face, and I feel myself start to flush deeply, heat spreading across my face.

"Who says I was with George?"

"Nobody," Lee replies, and I feel myself deflate as I realize that I fell for his trick, "But judging by the way you reacted, I can assume that I'm right. Him disappearing, coming back, and then you showing up at the party a few minutes after him, all the while Roger was here? Who else would you have been with?"

I suck in a breath between my teeth, glancing over to where George sits. 

"You think I don't have any other friends, Lee?" I challenge, but the corner of Lee's mouth just quirks up.

"No, Katie," he teases, "I know you don't."

Just as I'm about to turn to glare at Lee, George looks at me as if he felt my eyes on him, his eyebrows raising as he looks between me and Lee. I jerk my head, and he obeys, standing up and walking over to join us.

"Alright?" he asks, a bit too casually, and Lee smirks up at him.

"Just wondering what you 'n K were off doing earlier. She won't tell me."

George's face pales slightly, and he hesitates for a moment, clearly trying to figure out whether to tell Lee or not. I debate with myself whether or not to tell George that Lee knew for at least a little while - not as long as Roger - that I fancied George, after he kissed Bell, and never said a word. But before I can even open my mouth to make that point, George leans in.

"You can't tell Fred. I need to do it myself," he says, so quietly that his voice is barely audible.

But he admits to Lee that we're dating, and I confess that when I ditched during the Ball, that it wasn't because I wasn't feeling good; it was because I needed to clear things up with George, and one thing led to another. Lee just grins the whole time, as if he suspected, but is overjoyed to hear the news. And when we're done explaining, he wraps his arms around us both and pulls us into a hug.

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