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I wake up the next morning with a pounding headache, not quite sure where I am, but when I roll over, I realize that I'm in Fred's bed, and that he's passed out on the floor between his bed and George's.

George is in his bed still, the curtains pulled back so that I can see him sprawled across the duvet, one leg hanging over the side. His hair is spread out over the pillow, and his lips are slightly parted. He looks adorably peaceful when he sleeps.

"Don't let him catch you staring like that. It's kind of creepy." I jump at the sound of the voice, and Lee's familiar laugh fills the room. I turn to look at him just as he exits the bathroom, grinning at me.

"The hell are you up for?" I ask, slightly embarrassed that he caught me staring, but then I notice that he's wearing his school shirt, which is unbuttoned and hangs open, his school pants, and his tie, which is draped around his neck.

"It's a school day," Lee reminds me, and my stomach drops as I sit up and whip around to check the clock that sits on George's nightstand. Shit. It is a school day. I got so caught up with the First Task yesterday and the party last night that it completely slipped my mind that we're still having lessons today.

I scramble up out of bed, and Lee laughs at me again, but catches my arm before I can run into the bathroom to start getting ready. He shifts his gaze towards George, a question in his eyes, before looking back at me.

"You two alright, then? I saw you off talking together last night. How you got away from all your fans in beyond me, but..."

I grin at him as the memories come back. It definitely was hard getting George alone last night, even after he told me about the map, because people kept coming up and trying to talk to me, asking me how scared I was and what the clue is for the Second Task - which I still don't know. Harry tried opening his egg in front of everyone, which only succeeded in everyone in the room nearly going deaf, so apparently they're not making it easy for us to figure out what the Second Task is going to be.

But when I finally did get George alone, I picked his brain as much as possible. He said that he thought it was Moody, because he obviously would have noticed that we took the map back from him.

"But how would he have gotten into my room without anyone noticing?" I'd asked George. We were huddled in a corner of the common room, momentarily out of everyone's sight, talking in hushed whispers. "I'm not saying you're wrong. Actually, I don't know who else it would be. But why and how-"

"Well, I thought about that, too," George interrupted me, his voice quiet, so I stepped closer to him to hear him better, so that one more step forward and we'd be touching. His expression changed slightly, as if he wanted to back away but couldn't, because he was leaning up against the wall.

"Maybe," he continued, "he just wants it to keep an eye on everyone. He used to be an Auror, and you know how paranoid he is now 'cause of that, so wouldn't it make sense for him to want to keep tabs on people? Especially with Harry's name being entered into the Tournament." His expression changed again, so that a slightly more serious look played on his features.

"But," he said, "I don't reckon he'd go so far out of his way to steal the map from us just for that reason, and I don't think you do, either.. What I think is going on is that he knows we know something we shouldn't - that something weird is going on with him and Crouch - so he stole it so that we wouldn't be able to figure it out."

I agreed with him, but I still can't place my finger on what he could possibly be hiding. But then again, even if we figure it out and we find out that it's something bad, what are we supposed to do? He's a well-known former Auror, one of the best that the Ministry has ever seen, and we're two kids: the son and daughter of two of the most well-known blood traitor families. What say do we have?

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