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I look over as George practically collapses in his chair, two down from me, leaving the one between us empty, like always. I can tell right away that there's something different about him — his cheeks are flushed, but it's mostly in the way he's moving. He drums his fingers on the desk as he shifts in his seat. He can never sit still, just like I can't, but it's different today, and something tells me it's not just because it's our birthday. He seems excited. Happy.

Not sick.

"Feelin' better?" I ask, and he grins at me.

"Loads. Tonight's gonna be great."

He turns away, but I let my eyes linger on his face for a second longer before turning my attention to the empty chair between us.

"Where's Katie?"

George's head whips towards me, and it's written all over his face, just at the sound of her name. "Oh, I dunno. I thought she'd be with Davies."

I can't believe he hasn't told me that he fancies her yet. It's so bloody obvious.

Davies, from the other side of Lee, leans forward, right on cue.

"She's executing part two of her plan. Said I wasn't allowed to help."

I smile to myself at that. Her music plan was foiled last period when the professors finally got sick of us dancing in our seats and not listening (not that I listen when there's not music anyway, and they know that), but it was fun while it lasted — like all-day party.

Perfect for us.

Davies's gaze shifts to George for a split second, before he looks over at Lee. There's something in his expression that makes me smile. I had warned Lee to not put his entire heart in Davies's hands — not when he's trying to figure shit out, just because I don't want to see Lee get crushed. I also told him that's why I put my heart in three girls' hands — Katie, Angelina, and Alicia — so that when one rejects me, I still have two parts of my heart that are undamaged.

I was mostly joking, but he just called me an idiot, which is fair.

But, Katie...

That's gotten complicated.

I let my mind wander, per usual, as McGonagall starts the lesson. Transfiguration is easy enough to get a hang of, and plus, if I'm really that lost, Katie and Davies are like walking textbooks. I can get answers out of one of them, at least.

I've fancied her since, well, forever. At least it feels like that. If it wasn't from the moment I laid eyes on her on the train, then it was definitely when she helped us steal the Marauder's Map. She was even more of a goody-two-shoes back then, so she was reluctant to help us. But I'll never forget the smile on her face when we figured out how to activate the map — she was the one to figure it out, and she was so proud of herself and excited, so her whole face just lit up.

Yeah, it was definitely then. And since then, there have been so many more moments, from seeing her after few weeks of being apart and the way she'd smile and practically throw herself into mine and George's arms, to watching her during Quidditch and the way she leans over her broom and scrunches up her nose in concentration, those big green eyes following the Quaffle's every move.

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