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The first week went by smoothly. As smoothly as a week in the Weasley household could go, that is, and that wasn't without a handful of pranks with the twins, getting yelled at by Mrs. Weasley, teasing Penelope and Percy, and staying up until three in the morning every night. But that's what summer's all about, right?

Of course, there was also the constant, subtle flirting with George. I know that Fred suspects something, but if he wants to talk about it with me, I'm going to let him approach the subject first.

And why I'm so scared to make the first move, I'm not totally sure. After all, it's not like I'm not confident in myself. Between my intelligence, my skill in Quidditch as Ravenclaw's Keeper and Team Captain, my curly blonde hair and bright green eyes, I know that boys are interested in me. But something about George - despite him being my best friend - makes me nervous. I think it's because he's my best friend.

I sit at the kitchen table, sipping my coffee. I set down the mug - a chipped forest green mug that I've claimed over the years - on the table, leaning back in my seat as I wait for someone else to wake up and join me, which isn't an unusual occurrence. I've always been the earliest riser, Ginny the latest, and everyone else somewhere in between.

I sit up in my seat, wrapping my hands around the steaming mug as I hear footsteps making their way down the stairs. The heaviness of the footsteps sounds like one of the twins, and sure enough, George rounds the corner. As he does, my heart nearly stops in my chest.

He's shirtless: his toned, freckled chest on display, as well as his biceps, which are muscular from his years of playing as one of Gryffindor's Beaters. His long hair, which stops at his shoulders, is messy and sticking up in places. I let my eyes travel down to his sweatpants, which hang low on his hips. In other words, he looks hot, and I feel myself blushing at the sight of him.

"Hey," he says, his voice low and groggy from sleeping. He smiles crookedly. "I shoulda figured you'd be up already. I just came down for some water, but would you like some company?"

I return his smile, my heart fluttering. "I would love your company, but you can go back to sleep if you want. It's still early. I'm not gonna make you hang out with me. We have the whole summer for that."

George passes me to grab a glass from one of the cupboards, filling it up with water from the sink. I watch him, gazing at the muscles in his back and shoulders. He looks over his shoulder at me, setting his glass down and running his fingers through his hair as he leans back against the counter. I struggle to hold eye contact with him, distracted by the rest of his appearance.

"I know we have the whole summer. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna make every minute count." He takes a sip from his water. "Plus, you know I love Fred, but it's nice to get you alone every once in a while." After he finishes his sentence, he starts to blush, much to my amusement, but I'm sure that I'm blushing, too. 

And I can't help but think about what I would do to him if I knew that he returned my feelings and we got to be alone.

"Trust me, I know what you mean," is what I decide to say, sipping my coffee, just as loud, heavy footsteps make their way down the stairs.

"Who says you two are allowed to hang out without me?" Fred says as he swings around the corner. He's dressed similarly to his twin: shirtless and in sweats. Of course, he's extremely attractive as well, but the sight of him doesn't affect me the way George does.

"We were just talking about how great it is, hanging out without you," George replies without missing a beat. I turn around to look at him, giggling, and he winks at me. Fred flips off both of us, sitting next to me at the table and leaning back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.

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