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When I get back to the Gryffindor common room, Honeyduke's bag in hand, I find the the twins, Lee, and Roger sitting on the couches.

"Where'd you run off to?" Roger asks, "We figured we'd run into you at some point."

I shrug, my gaze falling on George for a split second, but he's fiddling with a loose thread on his pants.

"I ran into Cedric," I say, looking back to Roger, but out of the corner of my eye, I see George look up, "We went to Madam Puddifoot's and Honeyduke's."

Fred snickers. "You went to Madam Puddifoot's with Diggory?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Yes, Fred, and I brought you lot some Fizzing Whizzbees from Honeyduke's, but if you're just going to make fun-"

"I take it back," Fred says hurriedly, and I can't help but smile at him, despite my irritation with both him and George earlier. I walk over to him, sitting down between him and Lee as I start to dig in my bag to pass out the sweets that I got for everyone.

"Plus," I say, as I toss a bag of Fizzing Whizzbees to George, who catches it and offers me a weak smile, not quite meeting my eyes. I continue, trying not to let it show that his withdrawal from me is hurting me, "It didn't mean anything. Can't two people go to Madam Puddifoot's as friends? You all know that he's got something with Cho."

"People can go to Madam Puddifoot's as friends," Lee offers, digging into the Chocoball I got him, "But they hardly do. You know that. Didn't Roger try to get you to go there with him when he fancied you?"

"Shut up about that," Roger grumbles, but he smiles at Lee, who returns it.

"And just because Diggory may or may not have something with someone else doesn't mean he doesn't fancy you," Fred suggests. I look over at him, and we hold eye contact for a moment until I look away, back down at the bag in my lap.

I look at George then, who's turning a Fizzing Whizzbee around between his fingertips. I just wish he'd talk to me. There's only so much I can do, so much that I can push him, but he has to be the one to talk to me again. I just want things to go back to how they were, before the party, before he kissed Bell.

And speak of the devil.

I hear the painting to the common room open, and Bell's voice rings out, "Hey, guys! Hi, Georgie!"

I keep my eyes on George as he looks up at her, offering her a small smile with no real life behind it. He drops his gaze, his eyes meeting mine as Bell, Angie, and Alicia start talking to the others, and for a moment, it feels like we're the only two in the room. He looks away first, and my heart drops to my stomach.

What did I do wrong?

I watch as Bell walks over to George, perching herself on the armrest of the chair that he's sitting in, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder, and as he settles back in the chair and looks up at her, I know that for my own sake, I need to leave before I vomit.

"I think I'm going to stop at my room before dinner," I announce, standing up from my seat and looking at Roger pointedly, "Roger?"

"Yes, ma'am," he says, also standing up, "At your service."

I roll my eyes at him before saying bye to everyone, glancing over my shoulder just in time to see Bell reach out to move a stray strand of hair out of George's face, but I think Roger notices, too, because he wraps an arm around my shoulders and steers me towards the door.

"Don't torture yourself," he whispers to me, and I nod, trying to ignore the ache in my chest. He'll kiss her, let her cozy up to him and touch him, but won't even look at me, his best friend since first year?

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