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I spend the night in the boys' room and wake up to a beautiful, perfectly brewed Aging Potion, which I pour into a little vial. Roger, Fred, George, and Lee are all going to take it, and they all only need a drop, so there's going to be a lot left over if we ever want to use it for a prank, which I'm sure we will. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that Fred or George slipped something into someone's drink at a meal, whether it's something simple like an Aging Potion or something like veritaserum, which I made for them once.

I walk over to Lee's bed, knowing that because he takes the longest to get up in the mornings, I should wake him first. I pull one of the pillows out from under his head, smacking him with it a few times until he starts to groan and wave his arms at me.

"Stoooop," he whines.

"The potion's ready," I tell him, and it's like a switch is flipped, because his eyes fly open and he sits up, suddenly very much more awake. I have to admit, even though I'm not sure that it'll work, their excitement and enthusiasm about the whole thing is contagious.

Lee nearly jumps out of bed, crossing over to George's bed, which he does jump on, not only succeeding in waking George up, but also kneeing him in the crotch in the process.

While George groans in pain and Lee nearly cries with laughter, I wake up Fred, who apparently has gotten into the habit of sleeping naked, because he tosses back the covers in excitement, forgetting that he's not wearing anything, just like the last time I spent the night in their room.

If this morning is any sign to how the rest of the day is going to go, it's going to be a hell of a day, that's for sure. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Roger meets us in the common room, and I watch as the four boys pass around the vial, each taking a tiny amount.

"Feel any older?" I tease them, grinning.

"Loads," Rogers says.

"Yeah," Fred replies, pulling up a lock of George's hair and squinting, "Are those grey hairs I see?"

George laughs and swats his hand away. "Yeah, right, old man. Tell that to your wrinkles."

After tearing up a piece of parchment into five pieces, each of us writing our names on our pieces, we make our way to the Great Hall. I'm extremely jittery, and I keep looking at my scrap of parchment, at my neatly printed Katie Clearwater - Hogwarts. This is it. It's finally here.

The Goblet sits in the middle of the Great Hall, the house tables pushed closer to the walls to make room for it. There's already quite a few people having breakfast, and this includes the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students.

I see Cedric at the Hufflepuff table and wave to him to get his attention. He smiles at me, saying something to his friends before standing up and walking over to us.

"Hey, Katie. Hi, guys."

"Hi, Ced," I say, "You put your name in already?"

"Yep. Are you about to?"

I nod, and Fred tells me to go first, since I'm the only one of us not using the Aging Potion. I look at George, who gives me a smile and an encouraging nod, before walking towards the Goblet. Sure enough, on the floor circling it is the Age Line, which I step over with ease, bringing me closer to the Goblet. I take a deep breath before pushing myself up on my tiptoes to drop my piece of parchment into the Goblet.

Another wave of nervousness washes over me, but it's official now. I've entered my name into the Triwizard Tournament.

I step back over the Age Line to see the boys grinning at me.

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