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I wake up in the boys' room again the next morning, but I have to leave before any of them are awake to go back to my dorm and get ready for class. I'm not hungover, considering I didn't drink much, but I'm still reeling from spending so much alone time with George and dancing with him until neither of us could stand anymore.

Roger had disappeared at some point last night, so after getting my books together and changing into my uniform, I go to his room and knock loudly on the door. A moment later, the door opens just a crack, and out peeks a very disheveled looking Roger.

"You look like you got hit by a train," I tell him.

"You can lie to me sometimes, you know," he says, but he grins just before shutting the door in my face. I wait, and about ten minutes later he opens the door back up, this time looking much more put together.

"So," we say at the same time, before bursting into laughter.

"You go first," I tell him.

"Ah, ah, ah. Nope. You're the one who was all over George on the dance floor, so you go first."

I don't object, eager to tell him everything about last night as we walk to breakfast. I start with Fred and the moment between us at the start of the party, and then the tension between George and I, asking him to dance, Bell trying to interrupt us but failing, and George and I dancing and laughing and enjoying each other's company for the rest of the night.

Roger's grinning the whole time I tell him about George.

"See!" he exclaims once I'm done, reaching around me to grab my shoulders and shake me as we walk, "I knew you could do it! Did getting chosen as Champion make you finally realize that you're a bad bitch?"

I laugh and tell him that I already knew that as we enter the Great Hall. It's still relatively early, so it's practically empty, aside from a few younger students. Out of the corner of my eye, I see heads turn as Roger and I pass. I suppose I need to start getting used to the extra attention that I'm about to be getting, after being chosen as Champion.

But speaking of which, I have people outside of Hogwarts to tell. I ask a second-year Gryffindor girl if I can borrow some of her parchment, which she's using to copy down notes from her Charms textbook. Her eyes go wide when I ask her, as if she's shocked that I'm speaking to her, but she nods and gives me some.

As Roger and I sit down to eat, I start on my letters to everyone that I want to tell about me being chosen as Champion.

"Writing all your fans?" Roger asks, watching as I split the roll of parchment into as many different pieces as I think that I'll need.

"Obviously." I reckon that Dad, Penny, Mr. Weasley, and Percy will have already heard, considering they work at the Ministry, but I keep them on my list regardless. I also start working on letters to Mrs. Weasley, Remus, Bill, and Charlie, and in Remus's, I decide to ask him more about the map, and why it would possibly show someone who wasn't actually where the map said they were, or why someone would be missing from the map.

As I write, I tell Roger that it's his turn to tell me about his night, and I also tell him that I saw him with a group of Beauxbatons girls. He grins widely and tells me that he ended up taking one to the prefect's bathroom and snogging her, and while they didn't go much further than that, that he thinks she fancies him. I give him a high five and tell him that I knew he could do it before going back to my letters.

Once I'm nearly done with Charlie's letter - also telling him about everything that's been going on with the twins - Fred, George, and Lee finally walk into the Great Hall, accompanied by Angelina, Bell, and Alicia. Only a few feet behind them are the students from Durmstrang, and for a split second, I make eye contact with Viktor Krum. I can't quite tell if I got off on the wrong foot with him or Fleur Delacour after defending Harry, but I hope I can get along with them.

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