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September first rolls around quickly - a little too quickly, though I, for one, am looking forward to seeing my friends and finding out what's going on at school that everyone's been talking about.

With all my things packed up and ready to go to King's Cross Station, I wait in the living room for the others. Hermione is the only other one ready, and she sits across the room from me, her nose stuck in a book while we wait.

I hear someone moving around in the kitchen, so I push myself up off the couch and head in there, finding Charlie, which I had hoped for. He turns around and grins at me, a mug of tea in his hand.

Over the last few weeks since the Quidditch World Cup, nothing has happened between George and I - or Fred and I, for that matter - and Charlie has told me just to wait things out and see where they go, because apparently he thinks I'm going to have a lot more on my mind this upcoming school year, but I still don't know what that means.

"I wish you'd just tell me what the hell is going on at Hogwarts this year," I say as I step into his outstretched arms. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug, and I feel a sharp pang of disappointment at the fact that he's leaving for Romania again. I know he loves what he does, but I just wish he could be around more, especially after growing closer with him this summer.

"Patience, grasshopper," he says, "You'll be finding out today, I'm sure. And then you can write me and tell me that I'm an arse for keeping it from you. Or you can tell me in person, because I may be sticking around for a little longer." He pulls back from me and grins as I look up at him in confusion, mostly because I assumed he'd be leaving soon.

"You are? But why?"

He makes a gesture of zipping up his lips and tossing the key over his shoulder, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Damn you and your secrets," I tell him, but he just laughs, just as Bill walks into the kitchen. "And you!" I say to Bill.

He raises his eyebrows at Charlie. "Are you talking about the thing?"

I glare at both of them, but Charlie just grins. "Yep. Don't you wish we were still at Hogwarts, Bill? I reckon you definitely would have been picked."

"Picked?" I echo, racking my brain for what the hell they could possibly be talking about, but they just ignore me.

"Oh, I wish. It'd be loads of fun. I can't wait to see who does get picked out of the lot that's there, now, though. I reckon this one's got a pretty good chance." Bill, still looking at Charlie, tilts his head towards me, clearly fighting back a smile as I narrow my eyes at him.

I hope that I will be finding out today once we arrive at school, because I can't take this vague teasing anymore. They know they're driving me mad, and they're clearly both getting a kick out of it.

"Oh, yeah, she definitely does. Don't you two think that Katie's got a good chance?" Charlie calls to Percy and Penny, who walk into the kitchen.

Percy straightens up, glancing at me before raising his eyebrows at his older brothers.

"You know that we're supposed to keep it a secret, right?" he hisses, keeping his voice down as if I won't be able to hear from where I'm standing two feet away.

"I think she definitely does. She just makes the age cut-off, too," Penny answers Charlie's questions, and I raise my eyebrows at her. Age cut-off? What could possibly need an age cut-off? I'll be turning seventeen in a few months, which makes me legally of age, but why would I need to be of age for whatever this is?

"Whatever it is, it better be good, for all this hinting you keep doing to torture me," I grumble.

"HOW MANY TIMES-" Mrs. Weasley's voice comes from upstairs, followed shortly by two sets of footsteps pounding down the staircase. I shake my head as the twins round the corner into the kitchen, both of them flushed and grinning.

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