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We finally determine that "we" are merpeople of some sort, and that the Second Task is going to take place underwater, after George points out that the song only became present after I held the egg underwater, to which Roger stifles a laugh, clearly remembering catching us in the prefect's bathroom, much to Fred and Lee's confusion.

The time limit being an hour is obvious, but none of us can figure out what it is that's going to be taken from me. Whatever it is, apparently I have to recover it within the hour — which makes me nervous — thanks to the last lines of the song:

But past an hour, the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

I've never been a fantastic swimmer, so I'll have to rely on magic for that, along with figuring out a means to breathe underwater for an hour.

But now that the clue is taken care of, for the most part, I have eleven days to make a plan.

I'll be fine.

I hope.

Fred reminds me that at least it's not another dragon, and I guess he's right, as much as I hate admitting that.

After a little while longer, I shoo them out of my room so that I can go to bed, and George discreetly squeezes my fingers before leaving. The next morning, I wake up to a folded note on my nightstand, accompanied by a little box of chocolates and a rose. I grin to myself, rolling back onto my back as I open the note.


Turns out Honeyduke's is open late, just like like I was hoping yesterday. The rose, though, was acquired by less-legal means, so don't bother asking me any details about whose garden I snuck into. I won't tell you. I will tell you that it's one of those charmed roses, though, that can grow during any weather. Wicked, right?

But Happy Valentine's Day, love.  I found something that I think you'll really like, and I've been keeping it a secret from you until the right time, and I think today is the right time, since everyone else will be at Hogsmeade after lessons. I haven't told the others yet, not even Fred, because I wanted you to be the first to experience it with me. Bring nothing but your beautiful self, and meet me by the west staircase on the seventh floor after the others have left tonight.

I love you. Thank you for making me the happiest I've ever been.


I'm blushing like mad by the time I finish the note, and I tuck it - along with the chocolates and the rose (which I'll scold him for stealing after I snog him to say thank you)- in the top drawer of my nightstand. I can't help but wonder what it is he wants to show me later, that not even Fred knows about.

And I still have no clue whether or not he told Fred last night after they left, but I'm not going to stress about that today, even if today was initially the deadline I'd given George. Today will be a good day — for us, at least. For Fred, I don't know, because he's missing from breakfast when I arrive, and I don't know if that's because of Angelina and Alicia or because of me and George.

I find out when I sit down, though, and George immediately grabs my hand under the table, intertwining our fingers and resting our hands in my lap.

"He's really stressed about this date thing," he murmurs to me, lips close to my ear, "He's avoiding both of them. I told him there's an easy fix, but he just ignored me."

"Did you tell him about-?" I look at him, and he shakes his head, a guilty look passing over his face, but I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"It's okay," I say, lowering my voice, "I loved the things you gave me, by the way."

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