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Cedric may have been the first to ask me to the Ball, but he certainly wasn't the last, and he wasn't the last one that I said no to, either. The most recent one that I said no to was Cormac McLaggen, who sidled up to me in the library one day in early December, looked me up and down, and told me I could look even better at the Ball if I had him by my side.

It was an easy no.

Lee asked Alicia one day at lunch, to which she immediately accepted, but not without a side glance at Fred, who didn't appear to be bothered. Angie was asked not long after by a boy on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and she accepted, leaving the twins, Roger, Bell, and me out of our immediate group.

Until Roger actually asked Fleur.

And she said yes.

It all started a few days after Lee asked Alicia, when I ran into Fleur as I was heading to the Great Hall for lunch. We got on to the topic of the Ball, considering that's all everyone has been talking about, and when I mentioned that I didn't have a date yet, she said she didn't, either, though she said that she'd been asked plenty of times.

I had looked over at Roger at that point, sitting at the Gryffindor table per usual with our friends, and had an idea.

"My friend over there doesn't have a date," I'd said, nodding toward Roger, who was sitting with Lee and the twins. Fleur had cocked her head, her long hair falling over her shoulder.

"Please don't tell me you're talking about one of the gingers," she said, "Zey are not my type."

I let out sort of an ugly laugh, and Fleur looked over at me, a smile playing on her lips as she arched one of her perfect eyebrows. Little did she know just how glad I was that she wasn't interested in them, because if she was, I wouldn't stand a chance with George. I may be hot, but I'm not Fleur-level hot.

"No, no. The brunette. Roger. You met him, remember?"

Fleur looked back in Roger's direction, and after about a thirty-second long contemplation, she looked at me and nodded.

"Sure," she said, which caught me off guard.


She nodded again, tossing her hair over her shoulders, and I noticed a few boys gawking at her as we walked past. Not that I could blame them.

"Sure. But he 'as to ask me himself."

I raised my eyebrows at her, knowing that not only was Roger going to lose his mind at this information, but so were the rest of our friends. He was never going to let us forget the fact that Fleur Delacour agreed to go to the Yule Ball with him.

And sure enough, when I told him, he shot up out of his seat, strode across the Great Hall to her, and asked her in front of the entire Ravenclaw table. She said yes, leaving everyone in earshot shocked, but I just sat there grinning, knowing that it was my best friend who she said yes to, and that nearly every guy in the school was jealous of him.

But now, I've been getting more and more anxious as the Ball approaches, because between dance practices, studying for the end of term, prefect rounds with Roger, and the boys planning my birthday party, neither Fred nor George have made any step in my direction to ask me to the Ball, and neither of them have mentioned thinking of asking any other girl. And stupidly, because of that, I've kept my hopes up that there's a chance that George may ask me.

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