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Three hours and a lot of laughter, George and I - both covered in snow - are the proud builders of a very good looking snow fort. And when Fred, Lee, and Roger find us, Fred whines about us not waiting for him, which leads into the twins having their own personal snow ball fight and ending up wrestling in the middle of the snow.

Angelina, Alicia, and Bell end up joining us a few minutes later, and while Angie and Alicia ask me how I'm feeling after last night, Bell just glowers off to the side. I try not to look too smug, despite how badly I wish that she knew that George and I are together.

Cedric joins us, too, and he brings Cho, who hugs me and tells me how amazing I looked last night. I look past her to see Harry and Ron, who are whispering to each other as they approach. I thank Cho before walking over to them, just as Fred and George start to argue about teams.

"Hey," I say, "How'd last night go for you guys?"

Ron's frown tells me everything I need to know, but Harry just shrugs.

"Shitty," Ron says, and I let out a short laugh at his brutal honesty, covering my mouth after.

"I'm so sorry," I apologize, and despite everything, Ron cracks a small smile, "Why? What happened?"

"I had a fight with Hermione," Ron grumbles, and Harry widens his eyes and shakes his head at me, as if to say, What's new?

"She was just- she was being such a girl-" Ron continues, but he abruptly stops himself as I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrows at him.

"And what is that supposed to mean, Ronald?"

Ron looks flustered, and I fight back a smile.

"Not that, like- I mean- you know what I mean, 'cause like, you're a cool girl, but she was just- she was blinded by Krum, which I mean, he's not even that cool, y'know? And I-"

"I'm sure," I say, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the group, flashing a smile at Harry over his shoulder as I do, "We'll discuss later. Now, get ready to get your arse whooped."

I stand between Harry and Ron at the edge of the group, seeing that now, we have Ginny, Michael Corner, and a few other younger kids. I catch Harry staring in the direction of Cho and Cedric, though I can't be totally sure who he's looking at.

"Alright, everyone. Shall we have teams, or every man for himself?" Fred asks from his position in the middle of the group, spinning in a circle so that he can see everyone.

"Every man for himself," I call, and Fred meets my eyes, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile. I can't help but think about what his reaction will be like when he finds out about George and I, and my good mood takes a hit.

But I'll worry about that later.

"You heard 'er," he says, spinning around again, "Now, get your arses moving. You've got twenty seconds to get-"

Everyone takes off before he can even finish his sentence. As I run past George towards our snow fort before anyone else can take it over, I wink at him. He grins and follows me, joining me in ducking behind the wall we made, which we made tall enough so that when we're both kneeling and slightly hunched over, nobody can see us from the other side of the wall.

"Looks like we're not the only one who made an alliance," George whispers, peering over the edge of the wall to survey the scene carefully, "So we need to act accordingly. Fred is definitely gonna come after us, but I think him and Lee have something planned. I reckon he'll work with Lee and then turn on him at the last minute. You know how ruthless he is. So, I'm thinking, if you go around the perimeter, behind where Cedric is right now, and sneak over-"

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