Chapter-10 {Edited}

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|You and me, imprisoned in an adventure named love in a keyframe called forever and blending in every unknown universe|

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|You and me, imprisoned in an adventure named love in a keyframe called forever and blending in every unknown universe|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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I was devotedly parting a small prayer in the traditional temple of Hidimba, with my eyes closed and hands folded in front of the deity. My faith gets stronger each time I bow down in front of the maker of this world, there's this divine connection I feel between myself and the almighty. He who never demands anything but truthfulness from me, who looks out for me in a way no one else can, he who makes me who I am, he wrote my destiny and knows me the best. Whatever he does, my hope and faith in him never fades. For us humans, he's like an infinite ray of hope in an ocean full of sorrows. No matter how a person is, somewhere, sometime in life had ardently pleaded to the supreme power.

I am no less either, each time I was disappointed, I found myself in front of him. He heard me, I knew. He would always do, I know. I am a minimal part of him and no way superior to him. We humans tend to forget him while enjoying the luxury of this materialistic world but our reality, the ultimate truth is him and nothing else.

The shrine priest offered me the prasadam that consisted of puffed rice which every tourist who came here, consumed with dedication. After a while, I came out of the crowded mandapa along with Chhaya who had accompanied me there earlier.

[ Prasadam - Sacred food]

[Maṇḍapa - It is a Sanskrit technical term translating to "pavilion" or "porch", which as a detached temple building serves various educational and recreational purposes.]

"Oye!" Sammy yelled, "Look here!" She shouted from afar posing at us with her camera. "Baby, smile widely!" She beckoned cogently and we complied, aware of her part-time hobby. "Say cheese!!"

I shook my head moving away to retrieve my shoes, "Later, Sammy. Later. Right now, spare me with your extravagant photography skills." Chhaya followed my lead as we both put on our footwear again.

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