Chapter-22 {Edited}

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|Sometimes loving unconditionally feels like screeching chalk on a rusty blackboard, which often becomes the sweet melody of our fated ruin|

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|Sometimes loving unconditionally feels like screeching chalk on a rusty blackboard, which often becomes the sweet melody of our fated ruin|

by medicallymessedup

by medicallymessedup

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Love was supposed to be beautiful. Like a whisper in chaos, like a surreal dream on a sleepless night, like a rainbow after downpour. Then why does it make me feel no less than heartbroken?

Why do I feel hollow and defeated when he looks at me as if his entire world crashed?

His stare makes me feel weak.

This attention hurts. Hurts so much that it has made me numb.

There were no butterflies to rejoice the happiness of being in love anymore and whatever I've been experiencing so far had reduced to atonement.

His eyes yearn to reach out for me but I was once again standing miles beyond his reach.

I regret falling for him. I regret falling for this charade.

"What are we waiting here for now? I don't want to stay here for a minute." The angry blazon of Aakash's family vibrated in the halls of the house which was once filled with guests.

"Aakash, move!!" Mr. Cheema burred.

His mother shot me a scouted glunch, "Do you still want to get engaged to this characterless girl!?" Aakash fisted his palm but stayed back, "Have you gone blind, Aakash? What magic spell did this gold-digger cast on you, my son?"

"You better leave now with your family Mr. Cheema." Kartik said, who was getting sick and outraged hearing their unbearable nonsense. "I won't be able to digest your presence for any longer."

"As if we are eager to stay here.." Mr. Cheema scoffed and bellowed Aakash to leave the place.

"Enough, mother-father!!" Aakash spoke up, "I wanted to get engaged to Ruchi and I bloody meant to do it!! I don't care about what all happened here but I-"

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